27-10-2012, 06:21 AM
None Dare Call It Conspiracy was an important book. It was given to me by a very interesting right-wing pharmacist I once knew. It changed the way I looked at the world. Up until that point, I was a typical young leftist radical. The CFR and similar groups were unknown to me. After reading Gary Allen's book, I went away from what Alex Jones accurately calls "the false left-right paradigm."
That being said, The JBS did love that book (although I don't know if Allen was affiliated with them). We may even picture the likes of General Walker reading it.
Phil- I am starting to understand you. Maybe I will become another of your fans. Dick Gregory is still one of my favorites. Alex Jones had him on last year, and it was a great show. As I noted earlier, this ironclad leftist once sat on the board of Liberty Lobby, right wing publisher of The Spotlight. Gregory understands all too well the phony left-right/liberal-conservative "choices."
None Dare Call It Conspiracy was an important book. It was given to me by a very interesting right-wing pharmacist I once knew. It changed the way I looked at the world. Up until that point, I was a typical young leftist radical. The CFR and similar groups were unknown to me. After reading Gary Allen's book, I went away from what Alex Jones accurately calls "the false left-right paradigm."
That being said, The JBS did love that book (although I don't know if Allen was affiliated with them). We may even picture the likes of General Walker reading it.
Phil- I am starting to understand you. Maybe I will become another of your fans. Dick Gregory is still one of my favorites. Alex Jones had him on last year, and it was a great show. As I noted earlier, this ironclad leftist once sat on the board of Liberty Lobby, right wing publisher of The Spotlight. Gregory understands all too well the phony left-right/liberal-conservative "choices."