22-11-2012, 04:08 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I have an article coming out on this which connects the dots between:
1. City Hall
2. Sixth Floor
3. Dallas Morning News
4. Belo Corporation
5. Peggy Segura and the restoration project
Unless we file a lawsuit, I really do think its over. They have planned and executed a preemptive strike which has secured prior restraint on first amendment rights for the 50th on our side.
You may be right Jim. It may take a lawsuit. Prior restraint has never been upheld. However I think if as many people possible just show up it will present a problem for them. Are they going to arrest everyone?
However we need to get this sorted out and settled well in advance. Being arrested for criminal tresspass is not a huge deal but coming back for a trial is, who has the time and expense for that? Of course if everyone set his or her case for a jury trial that would be disaster for the courts. I suspect the cases would get dismissed. Bastards, all of them. Evil.