23-11-2012, 06:57 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Charles, Mark and I were not comparing ourselves with Gandhi or King.
I never said you were. Drop the straw man b.s., Jim.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:In my article, there is enough indignation.
I detected NONE of any practical value whatsoever.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:And behind the scenes, I have been trying to do something about this.
Please, tell us what you have done?
I'll answer your questions after you've answered mine (as previously posted), Jim:
You don't have a clue about who and what you're up against, do you?
You don't have a clue about the significance of Dealey Plaza, do you?
Why won't you address Linenthal's observations within the context of my references to them?
As for Dr. King: Correct me if I'm wrong, but he is not remembered for writing, "Letter from a Birmingham Office Building in Which I'm Trying to Negotiate with Racists, After Which I'll Go to a Book Signing," is he?
I am anything but expert in the life and teachings of Gandhi. But if memory serves, it was in a place called Dharasana where thousands of nonviolent Salt March protesters stood silently as they were savaged by British troops. And the world took note. And an empire trembled. So who will take note of your negotiations, Jim? Who will you make tremble with your negotiating style?
Are you seriously suggesting that we negotiate with the surrogates -- some witting, some half-witting, some unwitting -- of the assassins?
In re your eagerness to show your throat to the "VIPs only" crowd:
Who, may I ask, is more important than you, or me, or a homeless wretch living in a sewer drain in the Plaza?
Why, may I ask, do you exhibit not the slightest hint of outrage at this abomination?
As for your "What have I [Drago] done?" question: Your ego is showing, Jim. But little else -- especially anything resembling depth of thought or courage of conviction.
Answer my previously posed questions, or forfeit your right to ask any of your own -- at least to me.
Take all the time you need.