24-11-2012, 01:48 PM
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:That reference to Debra Conway really takes the cake. As Mark Lane once said about A. L. Wirin during a debate at Beverly Hills High: I haven't seen that technique used since the days of the Red Scare. It goes like this: Well, if the communists say such and such and Stevenson says such and such then ipso facto, Adlai is in league with Moscow.
In other words, in the world of Charles Drago, anyone who speaks at Lancer, like say Jim Marrs, Larry Hancock, Stu Wexler, Dave Mantik, Casey Quinlan, etc etc is somehow part of the unenlightened useful idiots in on the Dallas Takeover?
And why stop there? Why not wield a wider brush Mr. Drago? How about anyone who attends those conferences on a regular basis?
You put words in my mouth at your own peril,Jim.
I neither made nor make any such characterizations of the researchers you reference or of you. Nor do I imply any such opinion. You are wrong -- dead wrong. On this and so many other matters.
My respect for David Mantik is well known. I find Larry Hancock's JFK work to be invaluable. So too the efforts of Stu Wexler. If you say or publish anything to the contrary, you are being disingenuous. Clear?
FYI, I spoke at many Lancer conferences. My dear friend and mentor, George Michael Evica, more than anyone else laid the intellectual and thematic foundations of that organization, and he devoted hundreds if not thousands of hours to its growth. And then his eyes were opened. As were mine.
I know that Conway "amended" her initial statement. Such action commonly is referred to as a "course correction." I see nothing from her since to indicate that her original destination has changed.
As for me reading a cryptically referenced "article" that was not yet published, you should know that perforce I was referring to your comments on this thread and on your most recently published articles -- none of which demonstrated that you possess the insight required to understand the value of Dealey Plaza, let alone the courage to fight for it. All we get are protestations of your "behind the scenes" actions -- details of which we await with baited breath.
And as expected, you refuse to answer the lion's share of my questions and instead rush to deflect attention from them by leveling accusations at me.
So be it.