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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"
Here are some intriguing, if speculative, tracks in the altiplano....

From a Croatian military obituary:

Quote:Anthony Mann Grant

Also recorded as Anthony Mann Grant, born on 27th March 1961, thirty year old Grant Mann was a former paratrooper and veteran of Northern Ireland with a love of dogs and motorbikes. He first came to Croatia in 1991, volunteering for a Croatian HOS unit known as Black Hawks, training Croatian recruits and fighting on the frontline in the Osijek area. He left this unit after a short period following a disagreement with the commander and fatefully joined the notorious International Company under the command of the former Spanish journalist Eduardo Rosa Flores. According to Croatian Ministry of Defence reports Grant was killed in Osijek on 23rd March 1992. Initially his family were told by a person claiming to have been his commander that Grant had died from a fatal chest wound received during an ambush.


A subsequent British coroners inquest in 1994 ruled an open verdict and hypothesized that Grant may have been killed by someone on his own side, whether unintentionally or intentionally. He had been shot in the back of the head with a pistol at close range. His execution was rumoured to have been ordered by Flores and carried out by one of the nineteen foreigners serving in the International Company

Quote:The Reasonable Doubt/La Duda Razonable (report)
Investigation into the mysterious death of the Swiss journalist Christian Wurtenberg and how it related to his work in exposing covert backers of the war in Croatia. Julio Cesar Alonzo, another Spanish journalist, alleges and attempts to reconstruct how the Croatian International Brigade Commander, Eduardo Rosa Flores, killed Wurtenberg.
TV Espanola producer; Spain/Spanish language; 1995 VHS
BA360 • Torture • Prison Camps • Destruction Civilian Property • Destruction Cultural Heritage • Ethnic Cleansing • Military/Para-Military • Refugee/Ex-Pow ID

From a blogger calling himself "Blackguard":

Quote:I was absoloutely horrified when I came across this film that is currently being made starring Vinny Jones as Arkan, on the imdb website and it was described as the story of Eduardo Flores LEGENDARY international brigade, "defending" a village in the Yugoslav civil war.

Eduardo Flores was easily as bad, if not worse than his nemesis the also truly evil Arkan, the Croatian international brigade was made up almost exclusively of Neo Nazis from the U.K, France and Germany.
If as is suggested on the imdb Flores is depicted as a hero this will be another huge insult to ALL the peoples involved in the various conflicts in the Balkans.

Flores is heavily suspected of murdering a Swiss reporter and British photographer as well as his other various war crimes, but it seems as usual yet another film maker will address the subject of war in the most simplistic cowboy and indian terms, depicting the Serbs as unhuman and evil ant the Croats as noble and righteous.
I would recommend the superb BBC documentary the dogs of war for anyone interested in finding out more about "The legendary?" Eduardo Flores Neo Nazi militia group in the Yugoslav civil war, but it seems it has been buried by a BBC eager to bury ANY news item that might contradict the Western (nato and UN) account of events.
I struggle to find anything positive about violent facism.
The Blackguard

Quote:More bloggers:

R.I.P. Eduardo Rózsa Flores? (none / 0)
The speculations in Hungarian media threw up one illustrious name as potential victim: Eduardo Rózsa-Flores. That would be a fitting end to a very strange life.
Rózsa-Flores is a son of Hungarian communist Jews who fled to South America from the Nazis. All of them (parents, child) was involved in the movements supporting President Allende of Chile. So after Pinochet's coup, they were among those put on a plane to Europe; they returned to Hungary.

Young Rózsa-Flores ended up in a special unit of the border guards; he was one of the minders of Carlos the Jackal when he used Budapest as a hideout. Still a faithful communist, he fell out with his commmanders, and became a journalist during the 1989-90 changes.

Then, covering the outbreak of the Yugoslav wars, he saw the operations of the JNA. Then he finally broke with communism, only to swing the other way. He decided he doesn't want to stay an observer anymore, and became a mercenary for the Croatian army.

Later, he though he'll search his roots in Israel, but came awaywith hate seeing the treatment of Palestinians. This led him straight into the open arms of the anti-Semitic Hungarian far-right (yes, you read that right).

In 2001, a film titled Chico was made about his life (thankfully excluding his then new far-right endeavours), in which he played himself remarkably well.

From supporting Allende to plotting a murder on Moráles, would be coming a full circle (if the rumour will be confirmed).

*Traitor*, n.
A benighted individual who perceives an illusory distinction between serving his nation and abetting the criminals who govern it.

by DoDo on Fri Apr 17th, 2009 at 03:11:31 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Re: R.I.P. Eduardo Rózsa Flores? (none / 0)
Based on reports in Bolovian media, it's almost certain that not only was Rózsa Flores among the killed, but he must have led them, as the other four (two killed & two arrested) were under his command in the Croatian International Brigade.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans" - by Jan Klimkowski - 18-04-2009, 07:56 PM

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