18-12-2012, 03:35 AM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Charles Drago Wrote:Fascinating.
Jan, when you write, "I include metaphor as a possibility because one path of investigation of the OAS and Gladio in France leads to Priory of Sion metaphysical territory: AMORC, Synarcism, La Rose des Vents and Arc-en-ciel mysticism, even the Order of the Solar Temple," you drive toward the spiritual core of the phenomena we study -- phenomena which continue to defy, over centuries, our expectations of discovery of solely material methods and motives.
I give you Pont D'Alma and its most recent ritual significance.
Vieil État-Major ... Another layer of the onion, albeit one much closer, perhaps, to that stinking core.
Peter Levenda writes in his Prologue to S.K. Bain's The Most Dangerous Book in the World, an interpretation of 9/11 through the lens of the occult adept:
Quote:It [the understanding of 9/11] needs someone who is as versed in Kabbalah as in conspiracy, in gematria as in government. It requires a new science, a new art, a new approach to the old material. Furthermore, it requires a sense that conspiracy may be transcendental, may have its origins in the unconscious mind of the state. The numerology alone is significant: someone, somewhere is pulling these particular quantum strings. The numbers are consistent, insistent. They are either the result of a conscious and deliberate series of acts by agents so powerful and so unknown that a belief in an ultimate Secret Society is our only option, or they are evidence of the workings of an even Darker Force … and no one is in charge.
Bain, S. K. (2012-09-01). The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual (Kindle Locations 72-77). Independent Publishers Group. Kindle Edition.
More and more it seems -- and this comes as a surprise that is simultaneously reassuring and unnerving -- that I'm not alone in suspecting that a deeper, stranger order of things may be sensed in many of the phenomena we struggle to understand.