19-04-2009, 10:13 PM
Quote:Flores Accused of Murdering Two Reporters in Croatia
Recently thwarted series of assassinations by the international group of mercenary terrorists hired to behead Bolivian socialist government unearthed several unsavory characters suspected of committing war crimes on the territory of former Yugoslavia, while ethnically cleansing Serbs from their ancestral homes in Slavonia and Serbian Krajina in Croatia.
The following article from 1996, from Belgrade daily Politika, sheds more light on one of them — Spanish-Hungarian neo-Nazi Eduardo Rozsa Flores, also accused of murdering a Swiss and British reporter while serving in Zenga units, Croat paramilitary troops responsible for numerous atrocities against the Serbian population in Croatia.
Tracing War Crimes
By Radoje Arsenic, “Politika”, Belgrade, January 4, 1996
Eduardo Flores arrived in Croatia in 1991 as a correspondent of a Spanish weekly. Soon, he joined the infamous Croat paramilitary unit Zenga and became the commander of the “International Brigade”. Now, “Reporters without Frontiers” accuse him of killing two foreign correspondents in Croatia, Swiss Christian Wurtemberg and British photographer Paul Janks.
Eduardo Rozsa Flores, a journalist of Spanish-Hungarian extraction and a citizen of Hungary and Croatia, recently requested accreditation in the U.N. headquarters in Zagreb but was refused. A civilian UN official said that he had been vetted and that it was established that the said journalist was suspected of having committed war crimes and two murders, and “persons suspected of having committed murders are not given press accreditation”.
After a long investigation, the international journalists’ association, “Reporters without Frontiers”, prepared a comprehensive material and forwarded it to the United Nations Security Council which the expert group in Geneva published within its resolution 780. The essence of the said material is that Flores, the correspondent of the Catalonian weekly “La Vanguardia” of Barcelona and the commander of the “International Brigade” within the Croat Zenga’s which operated in Eastern Slavonia [under the leadership of self-declared Ustasha and indicted war criminal Branimir Glavas] at the end of 1991 and in 1992, is directly responsible for the death of two foreign journalists, Swiss Christian Wurtemberg and British photographer Paul Janks, who worked for the German EPA news agency.
Croat Officials Pinned Flores’ Murders on Serbs
According to the findings of the “Reporters without Frontiers”, the Swiss journalist was brutally murdered in the region of Osijek on 12 January 1992. The autopsy carried out in the Osijek hospital showed that the death had been caused by a rifle bullet and subsequent strangulation with hands and a rope. However, the statement issued by Croat officials said that Wurtemberg, who was in the brigade for about two months, “had been ambushed and killed by the Chetniks while on patrol”.
Image from Flores' blog
Image from Flores’ blog; allegedly, Flores converted to Islam after participating in the Yugoslav civil war on the side of Croat paramilitaries
But the facts are quite different and show that Wurtemberg joined the “International Brigade” in mid-November 1991 using a false identity and hiding his face behind a mask. As established by the “Reporters without Frontiers”, he was trying to investigate and disclose the facts about the war crimes of the “International Brigade” and its connections with ultra-rightist organizations in West European countries whence most of its members were recruited. He was also investigating the routes of trade in arms and narcotics.
During the last week of 1991, Spanish journalist Julio Cesar Alonso came to the headquarters of the “International Brigade” where he ran into his old friend Wurtemberg. Wurtemberg confided in him that he had left the Brigade a few days before and that he intended to return to Switzerland. Several days later, Alonso met with two members of the Brigade — one of them was its commander Flores (rewarded for his merits with Croatian citizenship), in the Zagreb “International” hotel. According to his subsequent testimony, Flores said he had uncovered that a Swiss was “a mole” in the Brigade.
Since Alonso knew that the only Swiss in the Brigade was his friend Wurtemberg, he hurried to Osijek to warn him. In the Brigade headquarters he met Flores again who told him with a smile: “By the way, we solved the problem of Christian. There is no more the problem of the Swiss.”
Although Croat officials claimed Wurtemberg had been “ambushed and killed by the Chetniks”, it is interesting that his laptop disappeared, while his diary was saved and given to his parents, but without several pages which were torn out.
Immediately after the murder of the Swiss correspondent, British photographer Paul Janks came to Osijek after he was informed about Wurtemberg’s death by his colleague who had expressed doubt in the official version Croats issued about Wurtemberg’s death. Janks began to ask questions about the death of his Swiss colleague and four days later (17 January 1992) was killed himself. Again, Croat official version was that he had been “killed by a Serb sniper”, with an accurate shot between the eyes from about 900 metres in the vicinity of the village of Brijest at the outskirts of Osijek.
However, according to the “Reporters without Frontiers” and their findings submitted to the UN Security Council, it was determined as a fact that, at the time of the murder, a strong wind with sleet was blowing, so that such an accurate shot from the said range, as stated in the police investigation, was impossible.
In May of the same year, two photo reporters, Carl Finch and Richie Bell, met Paolo Bandini in Zagreb who had previously left the “International Brigade” and who told them that he had killed Chris Wurtemberg. Moreover, he claimed that he had done it “upon the orders of commander Flores”, as he called him. These two journalists publicly reiterated this accusation in September 1992 in “The Observer Magazine” of Liverpool.
Flores left the Croatian army in July 1992, having been commander of the sabotage and reconnaissance squad for 11 months and then the commander of the “International Brigade” of the Croat paramilitary troops, after which Tudjman promoted him in the rank of a major of the Croatian army, whereafter he was granted Croatian citizenship. Nothing was heard of him for almost three years (allegedly he frequently traveled between Chicago, Budapest and Osijek). Beginning last year, he joined the Community of Croatian Hungarians headquartered in Osijek and, according to his own statements, he is a good friend with Croat fascists, Ustashe Tomislav Mercep, Branimir Glavas and Vladimir Seks.
It is rumoured that former commander Flores now even writes poetry, but the “Reporters without Frontiers” hope that this new image of his will not hinder the expert commission to put the murders of the two journalists on its list of war crimes and to bring those who ordered their commission and those who committed them to justice in The Hague.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war