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Police find body in bag at MI6 man's London flat
Kazakhstan is not usually a big player in such things. Whatever the relationship of GW with the Kazakh Mogol's son [if it even existed] is likely not directly connected to his death, IMO. It may play into what general work he was doing that got him 'bagged', but the Kazakh intelligence services certainly don't have this kind of ability, and any Kazakh agent [if he was one] would have been watched like a hawk. To me its another false lead thrown into the mix, such as the cross-dressing was. What does seem real is some split in the backrooms.....likely a better trail to follow to find out the truth of GW's murder. This garbage that MI5/6 don't know who the 'Mediterranean couple' was is about as believable as their waiting nearly a week to wonder why one of their top cryptographers/spy didn't show up for work. There is fighting under the sheets, yes, but we are not seeing the real reasons why. Why is a state secret. Much to most we are being 'told' is a lie - such as he locked himself into the Sport Bag as an auto-erotic exercise after death. A man was murdered and the 'officials' don't want to say why - even how. It seems some few are upset at the lies being told; but either don't know the true facts or dare not speak about them to the Public and Press. Most who know are just waiting for everyone to loose interest in the story and for this to 'go away'. There are other wet jobs to be done. Most never reach the news at all. When they do, they go through the motions of a fake 'investigation' to throw the Public a 'bone'. Kelly, 7/7, Diana, GW - the list is VERY long...sadly.

More bullshit to consider in the Daily Mail: "There is no suggestion Mr Ibragimov - whose father Alijan is one of the world's 400 richest people - played a part in the death. But it's not known whether detectives have yet spoken to father or son.
Alijan Ibragimov is known in Kazakhstan as part of the Trio', along with business partners Alexander Mashkevich and Patokh Chodiev, who are behind an empire of oil, gas, mining and banking.
His London-based son Furkat Ibragimov, who invests in oil, had a mutual friend with Mr Williams of Missa Elizabeth Guthrie, daughter of a US tycoon. She befriended the spy in the year before he died.
Miss Guthrie had shared a flat with Mr Williams's school friend Sian Lloyd-Jones, a fashion stylist.
Secret court papers revealed that Furkat Ibragimov and Miss Guthrie were friends and business partners - and that she allegedly asked Mr Williams if he could make a fake degree certificate."
[So, he was killed for forgery? Who writes this stuff?]
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Messages In This Thread
Police find body in bag at MI6 man's London flat - by Peter Lemkin - 31-12-2012, 08:38 AM

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