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Liebeler And The Ryder Witnessing
Thanks Adele.

I included that about Liebeler and Odio to show just how incredibly bad the WC actually was.

See, right before that, Liebeler told Odio that Warren had instructed them to shove anything that indicated a conspiracy under the rug. And if you follow the footnote to that, its true. Martin Hay found that memo on that over at MFF. It seems that Warren was relaying the message he got from LBJ to the rest of his worker bees.

The irony being that Warren didn't know that this was all based on a beautifully constructed false scenario created by Phillips and Angleton in Mexico City. Which I detail in that same chapter you refer to where I talk about Odio, Chapter 16, Mexico City and Langley. That Liebeler and the WC and Hoover went to such lengths to discredit Odio, to the point of substituting Hall, Howard and Seymour for the three men, this all indicates just how compelling a witness she really was. And just how provocative her story was.

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Liebeler And The Ryder Witnessing - by Jim DiEugenio - 15-01-2013, 03:29 PM

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