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Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:Robert Kennedy, Sr., was pretty quick to react to the event of his brother's death. He called John McCone, Director of the CIA (after Allen Dulles), and asked him, "Did you kill my brother?" He also called another CIA employee whom he had befriended before and asked the same question. Sorry that I cannot recall if he did this after the assassination of John Kennedy or after Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald on Sunday, November 24, 1963.

If it was the latter, it would suggest that he knew who or what Oswald was. In either case, Robert Kennedy was highly suspicious of elements of the Central Intelligence Agency being involved in the aassassination of John Kennedy.


Its complex, I believe Mellon wrote about it [as have a few others], but RFK knew of [and had some of his own ops ongoing which distantly involved Oswald before the assassination] - just another reason the conspirators chose it made RFK speaking up all but totally compromised. Adele, without searching through notes or references, I believe it was the following day that RFK asked that question of McCone. It is known that RFK did his own investigation of his brother's death and found not only the basic truths, but how he [RFK] had been compromised in many ways from speaking out. The plan from the beginning was to eliminate RFK if he spoke out or didn't just go into the 'wilderness'. They carried it out when he was about to win as we all know....with a mind-control patsy and a magic show with the real assassins and destruction of evidence along with obstruction of justice.

Peter, I do think you are correct about when Robert Kennedy asked McCone that question - it was after he had the news of Oswald being shot. He had been in charge of the Mongoose Operation and probably had befriended CIA agents who told him "stuff". He also asked such a CIA friend the same type of question he had asked of John McCone. What's interesting about all this was that he immediately zeroed in on the CIA. The killing of Oswald certainly suggested that there had been a conspiracy and Oswald had to be eliminated before he would talk or have a trial. Chief Curry of the Dallas Police said he would not have been found guilty of killing the President if he had had a trial (lack of evidence - no nitrate on his cheek, as one major reason).

Robert Kennedy did speak out and had a pretty good idea of those responsible, but he did not speak out, for obvious reasons, in the US. He couldn't trust the Government agencies.
However, he spoke out to the Soviets though a very close and trusted friend, William Walton. See my post above, No. 14. I feel sure that between the time of his brother's death and his own he was engaged in quiet investigations, but could not say or do much until he was president. He also became the strongest enemy of the conpirators who now had to eliminate him before he could get to them. I don't get much satisfaction out of the ideas that he could have been compromised because of what he himself might have done. I don't doubt that he had a lot of enemies in the business of organized crime, but that would not keep him from speaking out; after all, he had been the Attorney General and they were the criminals..


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