18-01-2013, 08:07 PM
Phil Dragoo Wrote:I have just faxed Scott Free Productions and emailed Chris Albert at NatGeoTV:
Your decision to produce the Bill O'Reilly-Martin Dugard Killing Kennedy is an endorsement of the discredited 49-year-old Warren Commission's lone gunman theory since disproved by the Garrison investigation, Church Committee, House Select Committee on Assassinations and millions of pages of documents obtained by the Assassinations Record Review Board.
O'Reilly-Dugard have done no research, merely recycled the propaganda of convenience. This is diametrically opposed to the breakthrough concepts we associate with your endeavors to date.
Please consult painstaking reviews by
Jim DiEugenio
David Talbot
Ed Curtin
as well as the 2008 masterwork by James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.
An overwhelming majority of Americans of all age groups reject the Warren Commission conclusion used by O'Reilly-Dugard, despite the enormity of the Posner and Bugliosi opuses. The world outside America is even more certain that conspiracy is far from a "theory," rather, it is the U.S. government's most "inconvenient truth."
Mr Dragoo's post reminds me of a story I recently saw regarding the demolishing of a former Dallas residence of Lee Harvey Oswald. The headlines referred to "JFK Assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald", or other similiar wording. I never saw the word "accused", or "reported". I do believe a significant majority of citizens do not believe the LHO lone gunman theory, and are convinced that there were multiple shooters in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/'63. Unfortunately, the minority that promotes the thoroughly discredited lone gunman theory seem to carry a loud voice. As I wander, I often wonder when I became convinced that LHO, or anyone else, could not be a lone assassin of JFK and lone shooter of John B Connally. And, that determination makes it unlikely that LHO shot and killed JD Tippit. I do recall, when the Warren Commission Report became public in '64, how amazing it seemed that a 10 month investigation by some quite smart individuals concluded basically the same thing that was concluded on 11/22/'63.