21-01-2013, 09:39 AM
I first saw the Zapruder film when Geraldo Rivera introduced it in the company of Robert Groden and Dick Gregory.
It was humming along and when JFK's head blew up I was catapulted from my seat across the room to the screen.
Sherry Fiester (Enemy of the Truth) sees a clear frontal shot in the blood spatter.
I question the smooth speed of the limo when Vince Palamara has his essay Delay On Elm: 59 Witnesses
I question the blackened back of the head at 317 and elsewhere
I question Zapruder's role as he was rubbing elbows with the other right-wingers, had Jeanne (DeMohrenschildt) as a partner
The two NPIC events (Brugioni, McMahon) and the presence of CD Jackson in the sequester and apparent manipulation figure
Nonetheless, the film is not a case-maker for the framers
It brought on the HSCA (albeit a Blakey-Joannides farce, with witnesses dropping like flies) as JFK by Stone did JFK Act and ARRB
No doubt the Greer "I Brake for Snipers" moment is suppressed though his and Kellerman's heads can't spin that fast
indicating missing frames
And of course the missing turn
The film could no more be admissable than any other item of alleged evidence, chain of custody being irreparably broken
At every turn the Warren (Dulles) report and its ten million deceptive words say
Who are you going to believe: your soulless, shameless, dogmatic government or your lying eyes
It was humming along and when JFK's head blew up I was catapulted from my seat across the room to the screen.
Sherry Fiester (Enemy of the Truth) sees a clear frontal shot in the blood spatter.
I question the smooth speed of the limo when Vince Palamara has his essay Delay On Elm: 59 Witnesses
I question the blackened back of the head at 317 and elsewhere
I question Zapruder's role as he was rubbing elbows with the other right-wingers, had Jeanne (DeMohrenschildt) as a partner
The two NPIC events (Brugioni, McMahon) and the presence of CD Jackson in the sequester and apparent manipulation figure
Nonetheless, the film is not a case-maker for the framers
It brought on the HSCA (albeit a Blakey-Joannides farce, with witnesses dropping like flies) as JFK by Stone did JFK Act and ARRB
No doubt the Greer "I Brake for Snipers" moment is suppressed though his and Kellerman's heads can't spin that fast
indicating missing frames
And of course the missing turn
The film could no more be admissable than any other item of alleged evidence, chain of custody being irreparably broken
At every turn the Warren (Dulles) report and its ten million deceptive words say
Who are you going to believe: your soulless, shameless, dogmatic government or your lying eyes