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Guardian Angels And Fate
Albert Doyle Wrote:The first guardian angel probably interceded during the Bay Of Pigs which was probably a provocation designed to induce the desired nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Bay Of Pigs was to be accompanied by some false flag attacks somewhere designed to instigate this pre-emptive nuclear attack. It would not be at all surprising if the deliberately-designed failure of the Bay Of Pigs invasion wasn't designed to make Kennedy look bad but was instead designed to only be as brief as its intended causing of World War III necessitated. I wouldn't be surprised if the take-over of the government had happened before JFK was killed and was ongoing during JFK's administration and part of what caused him to fight the Military Industrial Complex. The Bay Of Pigs could very well have been a wake-up call to Kennedy that caused him to realize he wasn't in control of his government and had nearly been induced to cause World War III.

As Douglass said the next strike against Kennedy was the Cuban Missile Crisis where JFK had played a bold chess move, countering his internal enemy by reaching out to the enemy in an unexpected move. In a brilliant stroke Kennedy had taken the power away from his Military Industrial Complex adversaries by decreasing the threat the Soviets presented. JFK had bypassed his national security defenders by taking what they were defending against away from them.

The scene in Dallas is difficult to decipher however it does appear that some of the players could have been tricked into participating by being convinced they were involved in a false attack meant to frame the Cubans but not actually kill Kennedy. This might actually explain how you could get Secret Service to stand down and order everyone not to move.

I think the most important thing is the 2 day dwell time between the assassination and Oswald's murder. It is very possible the assassins were so bold because they expected that a nuclear war may have happened shortly after the assassination. It could be that Lansdale showing up boldly in the Plaza, the Air Force 1 arrangements, and LeMay possibly attending Bethesda were all so openly bold because they expected the public's attention to be seriously occupied by a nuclear war with Russia shortly after the assassination.

However another scenario is possible where the assassination was meant to destroy Kennedy's detente chess moves with the Soviets. The World War III scenario may have been off the table by the time of Dallas and the militarists may have decided the pre-emptive attack option was no longer available due to Kennedy having taken it away by creating peaceful relations with the enemy where an aggressive attack couldn't be justified. The plotters could have realized they were in a position where they couldn't get away with breaking the US's word that it would not attack Cuba. So therefore the goal was to simply kill Kennedy and install a favorable Lyndon Johnson who would then reverse Kennedy's gains and create the new option of reestablishing a Cold War front against the Soviets in VietNam.

After analyzing the brain in evidence issue I realize Bobby Kennedy may have kept the brain as a trump card waiting to be played after he became president. He may have kept his mouth shut on the brain, biding his time to come forward and say he had nothing to do with its disposal. Being as shrewd as his brother he may have put a public face forward backing the Warren Report but kept all this business in mind waiting for an opening. Bobby was smart enough to know that with the people he was dealing with any truthful protest would have automatically wrecked his chance to ever make that play.

What is most interesting to speculate is how Oswald's surviving those 2 days could have influenced the plan. It is possible Oswald was supposed to be killed shortly after the assassination. Maybe at the Depository, maybe at the Texas Theater. If this had happened then it would have been easier to quickly execute the patsy plan as was seen in Oswald's history being available so quickly after the assassination. The weakest link is whether Tippit was supposed to kill Oswald. This is hard to prove. If this was the case then Oswald became a problem and his being alive and a wild card created a new scenario where instead of executing the orginal plan A the plotters were now desperately fighting being exposed. It could very well be that the second guardian angel was this unexpected dwelling time when Oswald was alive. The 48 hours of fighting against exposure may have created a shift in plans where whatever the first quickly-executed plan was was now replaced with new options considered during this interim. If there was a plan for an attack on Cuba or even a nuclear attack it was dropped because the plotters may have gotten cold feet after nearly getting caught. Or they may have suddenly realized their cover-up was working giving them more time to consider new, less drastic options. If Oswald was supposed to be killed quickly then this dwelling time and new options were unexpected. Who knows what plans could have been changed during this time.

This unexpected dwelling time, if true, is good evidence of higher sponsors because it would be a decision that came from them rather than the military facilitators and whatever level or layer of plot they operating at. There could have been some players operating at the non-lethal false flag attack level designed to frame Castro. Some of the military officers may have been operating at the false flag attack level designed as a pretext for an invasion of Cuba. Or those officers were in on the kill option from the start. It doesn't really matter. Finally, possible evidence of sponsorship is seen in this possible dwelling time scenario where the sponsors operated under the dictates of their usual methods and decided a VietNam front was much more profitable in the long-term than an incinerated planet. However the forging of NSAM 273 may also be a sign that this kill option was the plan from the start and VietNam was the goal.
I have always thought that the assassination had two primary goals. The elimination of Kennedy, and as a false flag operation designed to connect the assassination to Castro via Oswald. If Oswald hadn't been arrested but rather spirited out of the country to be quietly elliminated elsewhere, then the evidecse linking him to Castro could be manged and spoon fed by the media to the public gradually, building support for an invasion of Cuba and a confrontation with the Soviets, which could then possibly necessitate of preemptive strike. I think the arrest of Oswald compelled Hoover to come up with the lone nut explanation and sell it to LBJ, because the possibility of trial threatened to reveal Oswalds duality, his/their connections with intelligence and more importantly to him, to his FBI.

Messages In This Thread
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Albert Doyle - 27-01-2013, 07:00 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Gordon Gray - 28-01-2013, 02:04 AM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Albert Doyle - 29-01-2013, 03:41 AM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Gordon Gray - 29-01-2013, 04:09 AM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Albert Doyle - 29-01-2013, 04:15 AM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Gordon Gray - 29-01-2013, 06:13 AM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Albert Doyle - 29-01-2013, 05:43 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Gordon Gray - 29-01-2013, 06:37 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Albert Doyle - 29-01-2013, 07:58 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Gordon Gray - 29-01-2013, 09:13 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Charles Drago - 29-01-2013, 09:15 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Albert Doyle - 29-01-2013, 10:29 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Gordon Gray - 30-01-2013, 02:07 AM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Albert Doyle - 30-01-2013, 05:46 PM
Guardian Angels And Fate - by Charles Drago - 30-01-2013, 05:52 PM

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