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Jim DiEugenio Wrote:This is what I mean.

There are people in this community who actually do legwork, who make phone calls, who interview people to get back to original sources.

Alan has done that in this case. Many others, like Doyle--or whatever his name is, it may be Rago-- do not. They just parrot whatever they read in books. This is one of the worst aspects of the JFK Case. If I had bought into everything the vaunted research community had written about Garrison, I would have never written my books or published Probe. I decided these people were wrong and had not done any real ground work. So I did the work they did not. Thank God I did.

So when Alan speaks on this issue I know its from personal experience, and I listen to what he says.

And also await an answer to his question.

I hold your works in quite high esteem. I find "The Assassinations" that you co-authored with Ms. Lisa Pease to be one of the best 'primers' to Deep Politics and Black Ops to ease someone into deeper materials. Probe I include and I want to get the CD you all are selling of Probe Issues.

I commend that idea highly. I rarely miss Block Op Radio too.

I also hold the opinion of the 'legend' Albert Doyle and all his companions that Greg, Charles, Phil and yourself do. It is a waste of breath to bother discussing anything with the enemy.

All that being said, I fear a part of the quote above could be taken as something I am sure you had no intention of saying or even implying, not that you did imply anything but the wrong impression may be conveyed to someone.

I am a retired but interested researcher. While I do have a cheap VIOP phone, by nature and being of the Midwest culture, I rarely contact other researchers or witnesses by more direct means than community gatherings like this and reading the product of their work.

Akin to noting the laundry on the clothesline of a neighbor but never spreading gossip about anything, just know and go on about your own life. That is the old fashioned value that I was born and raised into and I still hold. Sometimes I forget and let a blast out to others about Pose-ner and Mack and DVP too. The Enemy deserves it but that doesn't make it right.

I do exercise my own critical thinking to evaluate the work of others. While I may well keep my view to myself particularly if the view is negative, it only took about 10 minutes on my very first visit to Paul McAdams Nolan's web site to know it was junk. The same for my own opinion of some books, first to mind is Waldron's sh*t. I knew in a few pages and a scan of the index I wasn't gonna give up my money for trash like that, I did NOT buy it and haven't read but enough to conclude not to endorse that kind of junk by buying it. Not even at half price.

Maybe it is akin to the internal "moral compass" that Greg mentioned a while back? In internal BS trigger in the mind?

I rely on the researchers that do the "leg-work" to form valid opinions. I too have been known to do some leg-work too for myself. Not lately and not much compared to others here. It is a money deal mostly and an inclination of personality. I know many other researchers that also rely on the good work of others.

Thanks for doing some of the best work for we the other non-leg-working researchers to rely on.
I hope I communicated this properly.


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