14-02-2013, 04:16 PM
Phil Dragoo Wrote:STEP E -- How should we define "justice" in this case?
Justice would be a Gallup poll showing the overwhelming majority of Americans had come to the realization that the twin towers of power manipulation were the forced wars in Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan, to force trade in arms, oil, drugs, and to tighten the strategy of tension as a garrot on the free spirit of mankind.
Thank you, Phil, for your generous and thought-provoking response at post 82 on this thread.
I would expand your thoughts as expressed above. As I see it, you're half-way to the finish line; beyond bringing the living victims of the assassination to certain realizations, we must inspire and help empower them to cut the garrote and disempower those who own it and sponsor its application.
And we must not confine our ministrations to Americans, for by definition -- and I'm sure you agree -- the aforementioned victims are to be found in every country. Even those that did not exist on November 22, 1963.
But I'm quibbling; we are in agreement most everywhere else.
Thanks again.