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Proof that the FBI and some researchers play fast and loose with the Truth
(note I brought this forward from another thread and topic... the reason ?

I would like to know if others have examples of some researchers or FBI investigations in the past or present have been caught playing 'fast and loose with the truth' in reference to their investigations... Just the facts please... no gossip or I thinks so's..., or they could have been's.... below is one example from my own background: I hope some will take the time to read the attatchments and then give me their views or take:

"... I would like to point out something which is in my FBI files in reference to "hot checks". I hope the documents come out on the attachments below.


FBI file generated by SAC in Cincinnati indicates

Tosh was arrested in Columbus, Ohio on Jan. 29, 1959 for passing a forged check at Morehouse Fashions. (Wrong)

The FBI prepared a dossier on him indicating he was born in Panama City, FL on 11-25-37; father was William W. Plumlee of Dallas, TX and mother Margaret J. Morgan of 3509 Lexington in Dallas. He had two half brothers (Morgan) and left high school in 10th grade and completed school in Army. He was married, had two sons and a daughter and divorced in 1958...".

It seems years ago when some got hold of these documents, they failed to include all of them which made reference:

#1 ".... he (Plumlee ) was arrested in Columbus Ohio by local authorities attempting to pass a forged check at Morehouse Fashions..."..
(ref; attatchments) (wrong)

#2 ".. when Mr. Plumlee was arrested by Customs he had a plane load of guns bound for Cuba and was turned over to local authorities...".
(ref; attatchmenmts) (right)

#3 " ... the FBI Lab could not find any checks written which could be attributed to Plumlee...". (ref; attatchments) (right)

Point #4 There has never been an arrest record found in Columbus Ohio at the Columbus County Workhouse, stating the Mr. Plumlee was in custody at that facility. Why did the FBI report I was being held there? (right)

Another interesting point I feel should be brought forward is: When the files went to MF, why was only the one document included in the record... and that one being that I wrote (forged) hot checks in Columbus Ohio. And the other FBI documents were omitted which stated otherwise.
Those other documents, clearly stated: no checks could be found written by Plumlee, That document was not included with the other one page document or other material?.

Also, after all these years... why has the record not been reported right or corrected? Why has the other supporting documentation not been brought forward and included within the complete document file which is and has been posted for sometime on the 'Mary Ferrel" website?

Why is it still being reported today, to the research comunity, that I passed "hot" forged checks in Ohio in 1959?...and was not engaged in military covert operations as I had stated to federal officials in 1959 and congressional committees in , 1975, 1987, 1990 and 1991 and 2002?

Now from my point of view. Why was the arrest in Columbus not reported right? The record established by the FBI during that time was, I had "written bad checks" and that is why I was arrested in Columbus and too, they went into a very long report sent to many field officies of why I was in Columbus Jail when in fact I had been flying guns into Cuba and later (Feb 59) training with the United States Army at the "Jungle Warfare Training Center (JWTC) in Hawaii.

I have pointed this out to many researchers over the years, but they have had their our theories and it would fit better for them and their theories, for me to be just a little bittie penney check writter, ... while in fact, I had been flying guns to Fidel Castro's Revolution in 1957; 1958; and 1959, before Castro and his 26th of July Revolution arrived in Havana.

I hope some here will take the time to read this stuff instead of taking the governments false report and somebodys "gossip" as facts without investigating the material. This is one reason I do not trust very many researchers and government offcials. The record is not accurate and factual as the federal documentation indicates.

Again I make my statement; The FBI-- has in the past, and perhaps even now- played fast and loose with the truth and I think the record justifies this statement.

Your Views?

[Would anybody care to coment on this information after they have read the attatchments?]

Again XXX thanks for your time and dedication toward the truth. It is much appreciated by me..... Tosh

Attached Files (these files have been on the site for a number of years now... and there free for viewing... also that site is not my site but there my documents (some of them)

[Image: pdf.gif]checks 3.pdf (391.9 KB, 4 views) [arrested by local authorites]

[Image: pdf.gif]Hot checks 1.pdf (593.8 KB, 3 views)[ arrested by Customs)

[Image: pdf.gif]hot checks2.pdf (526.1 KB, 2 views) No arrest record at Columbus Jail]

[Image: pdf.gif]check4.pdf (435.5 KB, 2 views) [no checks found]

note: the documents below, in the attatchments, are the files destoryed by the FBI. There have been more since the recorded date of 1981: some of those early 1964 destoryed FBI documents, should have gone to the Warren Commision and later to the HSCA in 1976. Only the files that were not complete went to the HSCA and those were slanted to discredit the source found in the files... . To me it raises the question of WHY?

In my view it proves that the FBI and the Department of Justice (and others) knew there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. Why else would they destory files and tamper with a witness?

Attached Files
.pdf   FBIlist2 files destoryed by FBI.pdf (Size: 207.54 KB / Downloads: 2)
.pdf   FBIlist3 destoryed files 2.pdf (Size: 187.81 KB / Downloads: 2)

Messages In This Thread
Proof that the FBI and some researchers play fast and loose with the Truth - by Tosh Plumlee - 24-04-2009, 11:44 PM

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