10-03-2013, 07:28 PM
It appears at 20.43 in the Russian language documentary JFK Assassination 13 th version It is supposed to be LHO. [video=youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWiMEQYt1n8&ytsession=YY4Dk43kHlVHyTJ43rY8 taf9q94GSiORhmeSV5h0-IIWwvS-Wl9SEjQ0ekwefToRMfvXtlu2MlhCs8Si4Roek9GYOuNMIgLTWA aXZu90bXqiIPfzwdplHIyyJr3qhz1MUDwuDWeOFo427SKNgmmV W9ZDzPgeWSk-qD0D_QWm5AraOgPypYG9wrPtcQag5LB7RpY4NFtiFDEP5RGc1I FEv3BljB3DndGIE1NfZXJu7nJpW_eiR_PzPpDW0Tzi5fn0ArG3 VZH2gIG_O7_Ry-aa7mjCJ9kwoH-vm6LczJXdV9c[/video]
It looks somewhat like him, but it looks more like the LHO seen in the film clip with Morita Lorenz and Frank Sturgis. I can't find it elswhere on the internet. Anybody know where and when it comes from? Could this be the "Lee"Oswald impersonator/Tippit shooter/Rambler guy?
It looks somewhat like him, but it looks more like the LHO seen in the film clip with Morita Lorenz and Frank Sturgis. I can't find it elswhere on the internet. Anybody know where and when it comes from? Could this be the "Lee"Oswald impersonator/Tippit shooter/Rambler guy?