23-03-2013, 07:09 PM
Magda Hassan Wrote:OMG Mags: Have you ever considered writing a book, or better yet getting someone to do a screen play? You have so very much to tell. Your husband sounds like a true hero. Like you.Lauren Johnson Wrote:Quote: In November 2005, Cardinal Bergoglio was elected head of the Argentine Conference of Bishops for a three-year term, which was renewed in 2008. At the time he was chosen, the Argentine church was dealing with a notorious political scandal, that of the Rev. Christian von Wernich, a former chaplain of the Buenos Aires police who had been accused of aiding in the questioning, torture and death of political prisoners.http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/14/world/...=2&hp&_r=0
When my husband was in a Chilean prison cell being tortured they also wheeled in a priest who questioned him and asked him to tell his 'sins' so he could be 'forgiven' before he was sent off to the firing squad. The firing squad was not the end of the torture. They aimed high and low. It was part of the torture. They did it twice. But for many it was the end of their torture.