11-04-2013, 09:53 PM
Elizabeth Woodworth in JFK, MLK, RFK, 50 Years of Suppressed History: New Evidence on Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy: Failures to Confront the Unspeakable, and The Way Ahead. Part I has executed a bold fusion of deep history with current analysis of the type necessary to engage the newer generations in the timeless quest for justice.
Any essayist attempting to link the decade of assassinations with the current climate controversy is attempting the equivalent of a Ben Hur stereo chariot gambit.
Enlisted in the first of the triad of outrages is the Jim DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed second edition showing the existential threat to the Central Intelligence Agency posed by the so-called Quixotic grandstanding of the "ambitious" district attorney, and the agency's effort to destroy Garrison the man, an effort unparalleled in a domestic setting.
Another addition to the long shelf of proof is the professional forensic hypothesis of Sherry Fiester's Enemy of the Truth, a revisiting of the stunning question, how was it possible for Oswald to shoot the president in the front from behind.
William F. Pepper in Orders to Kill and associated writing showed the utter impossibility of James Earl Ray's involvement as other than patsy, that military intelligence/CIA agent Marrell McCollough was present, that the FBI played in the movement of King to the balcony as did no less a figure than Jesse Jackson.
Earl Holloman FBI veteran of Hoover's own unit was Memphis Police Commissioner also involved in security stripping. It will be seen in 1999 that Clinton-Reno Justice was not on the side of the angels.
Sirhan could not have administered the four shots from back-to-front, down-to-up, right-to-left, point-blank, being always to the front and several feet away from the murdered candidate.
The photos of Scott Enyart would've shown what the acoustic signature of Cesar's "already-sold" backup piece confirmed, eight shots from Sirhan's Ivers Johnson, and four from (Cesar's) H & R 922.
Sirhan is alive and the current administration might cooperate in the revisit of the case were it interested in justicenot likely considering Bill Ayers' allusion to Sirhan in Prairie Fire.
Likewise a reopening of the King killing would do more for civil rights than all the posturing and Niagara of words since 1968. Crickets.
Jefferson Morley has persisted for a decade against bipartisan stonewalling vis-Ã -vis the ubiquitous CIA medal winner George Joannides (sharing a rictus-grinning moment with Stansfield Turner in a classic photo of the day).
The esteemed Robert Blakey ass-kissing the agency and backstabbing his own investigators still contributes carbon dioxide to the extant crisis.
On the street at the Nixon Counterinnaugural as Mark Rudd's Maoists chanted Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh and one of their number banged the iron knocker of Justice as the shirtsleeved lawyers in second-floor windows mimed we're number one
Peter Townsend to the contrary notwithstanding the people did get fooled again
See also January 1961
With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
Any essayist attempting to link the decade of assassinations with the current climate controversy is attempting the equivalent of a Ben Hur stereo chariot gambit.
Enlisted in the first of the triad of outrages is the Jim DiEugenio, Destiny Betrayed second edition showing the existential threat to the Central Intelligence Agency posed by the so-called Quixotic grandstanding of the "ambitious" district attorney, and the agency's effort to destroy Garrison the man, an effort unparalleled in a domestic setting.
Another addition to the long shelf of proof is the professional forensic hypothesis of Sherry Fiester's Enemy of the Truth, a revisiting of the stunning question, how was it possible for Oswald to shoot the president in the front from behind.
William F. Pepper in Orders to Kill and associated writing showed the utter impossibility of James Earl Ray's involvement as other than patsy, that military intelligence/CIA agent Marrell McCollough was present, that the FBI played in the movement of King to the balcony as did no less a figure than Jesse Jackson.
Earl Holloman FBI veteran of Hoover's own unit was Memphis Police Commissioner also involved in security stripping. It will be seen in 1999 that Clinton-Reno Justice was not on the side of the angels.
Sirhan could not have administered the four shots from back-to-front, down-to-up, right-to-left, point-blank, being always to the front and several feet away from the murdered candidate.
The photos of Scott Enyart would've shown what the acoustic signature of Cesar's "already-sold" backup piece confirmed, eight shots from Sirhan's Ivers Johnson, and four from (Cesar's) H & R 922.
Sirhan is alive and the current administration might cooperate in the revisit of the case were it interested in justicenot likely considering Bill Ayers' allusion to Sirhan in Prairie Fire.
Likewise a reopening of the King killing would do more for civil rights than all the posturing and Niagara of words since 1968. Crickets.
Jefferson Morley has persisted for a decade against bipartisan stonewalling vis-Ã -vis the ubiquitous CIA medal winner George Joannides (sharing a rictus-grinning moment with Stansfield Turner in a classic photo of the day).
The esteemed Robert Blakey ass-kissing the agency and backstabbing his own investigators still contributes carbon dioxide to the extant crisis.
On the street at the Nixon Counterinnaugural as Mark Rudd's Maoists chanted Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh and one of their number banged the iron knocker of Justice as the shirtsleeved lawyers in second-floor windows mimed we're number one
Peter Townsend to the contrary notwithstanding the people did get fooled again
See also January 1961
With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.