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Weekly Standard Article

Wondered if anyone knows if DiEugenio has reviewed this article by any chance? or anyone?

Hey, it's another crappy Max Holland piece! He never changes. Another cheque from Langley must have arrived.

Max's current piece is for the Weekly Standard. Holland has done a few pieces for it, and must feel at home there. Researchers take note - Jim D's 'Lost Bullet' article on Holland notes that Holland was

housed at this time at the Miller Research Center at the University of Virginia. This is supposed to be a sort of scholarly base where academics can do research through grants in aid. One of the directors there was Philip Zelikow; the executive consul of the much criticized 9-11 Commission.

Holland's trajectory from there to the Weekly Standard is telling. The Weekly Standard offices during the late 90's helped establish the Project for a New American Century, and the PNAC address listed on various websites and documentation was the same address as the Weekly Standard building. PNAC members strongly agitated for the Iraq war, both before and after 9/11, and if you want to go the extra step and do even a cursory reading of 9/11 conspiracy articles and books, you won't be able to get through a chapter without stumbling across a PNAC member, or several of them. The infamous PNAC Rebuilding America's Defences document lifted themes and language from Zelikow's earlier December 1998 Foreign Affairs article Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger, which Zelikow co-wrote with former CIA head John Deutch and Assistant Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter. The guy who co-wrote the Rebuilding America's Defences document, Thomas Donnelly, later became a co-director at Lockheed Martin. Holland working at a joint overseen by Zelikow, then later turning out pieces for the neocon war cheerleading pamphlet Weekly Standard, makes it even more obvious that he's writing disingenuous, propagandistic junk for the military-industrial complex.

Francis Ronnestad's thesis PERMANENT OFFENSE: THE WEEKLY STANDARD MAGAZINE AND U.S FOREIGN POLICY 1995 - 2005 is not a conspiracy volume, but it puts together a decent summary of the nasty role the magazine played in public debate through that period. That thesis is linked below.
It will be up tomorrow.

With Holland I am beginning to feel like the kid at the end of the Easter parade, you know scooping up the horse dung.

This guy is getting to be worse than McAdams.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:It will be up tomorrow.

With Holland I am beginning to feel like the kid at the end of the Easter parade, you know scooping up the horse dung.

This guy is getting to be worse than McAdams.

Excellent! Thank you

It's just amazing to see these liars persist. I guess their reward' is to get attaboys and stay in the club'

A new favorite tactic I'm seeing is to conflate Kennedy and King assassination with insane wacko theories'.
Ken Garretson Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:It will be up tomorrow.

With Holland I am beginning to feel like the kid at the end of the Easter parade, you know scooping up the horse dung.

This guy is getting to be worse than McAdams.

Excellent! Thank you

It's just amazing to see these liars persist. I guess their reward' is to get attaboys and stay in the club'

A new favorite tactic I'm seeing is to conflate Kennedy and King assassination with insane wacko theories'.

Ken, can you say more on this or have a link or two?
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Talk about off the rails.

Holland really herniated himself on this one.

I think since McAdams discredited himself, Holland is trying to imitate his over the top style.

Sorry Maxie, does not work:
Good Lord. This guy almost makes McAdams look like a paragon of reason. Stinks to high heaven.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Ken Garretson Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:It will be up tomorrow.

With Holland I am beginning to feel like the kid at the end of the Easter parade, you know scooping up the horse dung.

This guy is getting to be worse than McAdams.

Excellent! Thank you

It's just amazing to see these liars persist. I guess their reward' is to get attaboys and stay in the club'

A new favorite tactic I'm seeing is to conflate Kennedy and King assassination with insane wacko theories'.

Ken, can you say more on this or have a link or two?

Hi Lauren,

Here's an example. It's really nothing new to use phrases like conspiracy theorist" in a derogatory way, but here you see the use of phrases like post-truth era', alternative facts', as a way to further demean those of us that realize governments lie, and it is a constant battle to reveal truth as best we can.
The article linked by Ken is by Jonathan Freedland. He's one of the very worst of the Guardian's regular authors, and actually wrote a piece where he talked about the Iraq War's 'silver lining'. The anti-Guardian site Off Guardian covers Freedland's career with dismay, below.

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