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Breaking: Explosion Reported at Boston Marathon's Finish Line
Quote:Boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hid 'looked like Swiss cheese' after shootout

Tsarnaev was found when Watertown man looked underneath tarpaulin and found the Boston bombing suspect inside

Adam Gabbatt in Watertown, Saturday 20 April 2013 19.24 BST

The boat was riddled with bullet holes. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

The boat that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found hiding in looked like "Swiss cheese" after the Boston bombing suspect's shootout with police, the boat's owner told neighbours.

Tsarnaev was taken into custody after a Watertown resident, named locally as David Henneberry, went to check on his boat and found Tsarnaev inside. Swat teams moved in and a gun fight ensued, resulting in Tsarnaev being captured. He is in hospital in a serious condition.

On Saturday, Henneberry was being hailed as the man who helped end a tense 22-hour manhunt, which, until his phone call to police, had been fruitless.

But it came at a cost. The boat a source of immense pride for the owner, according to local residents was no longer seaworthy, being, as it was, riddled with bullet holes.

"He said the boat was like Swiss cheese," said one neighbour, who did not want to give her name but lived a few doors down from the boat owner.

The resident said she had spoken to Henneberry on Friday night, after police had taken away the suspect.

"He was shellshocked," she said. She said Henneberry had lifted the cover on his boat and seen Tsarnaev inside before calling authorities.

"He saw that the tarp was open, and that seemed wrong to him, because we've had a pretty harsh winter and the boat had never been undone. He checks on his boat a lot that's his baby, so that's how he noticed it," she said.

Access was restricted to Franklin Street on Saturday, with police tape blocking off the section of the neighbourhood where Friday's drama played out.

Residents were milling around, intrigued by the small number of television crews who remained on scene.

Images from news teams depicted Tsarnaev sitting up on the side of the boat.

Other pictures showed him receiving medical attention at the scene and with a mask over his mouth in an ambulance.

Rebecca Heavey, 29, lives in the house behind where Tsarnaev was found. Her backyard is adjacent to where the boat was stored. She described the drama as authorities swarmed over her garden to get to Tsarnaev.

"I just saw all the Swat teams in our backyard with their guns drawn," she said. "We were crawling on our elbows through the house, trying to find a safe place. Our doorbell was ringing and we didn't know who it was, we couldn't see the police. We were terrified."

Swat teams used her car for cover, Heavey said, and propped up their guns on the roof.

Heavey said she had ventured out briefly into her backyard on Friday afternoon, breaching the lockdown order to take her dog out for a walk.

"The kid could probably hear us in our backyard from where he was," she said.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was contained in a boat. Surely it was absolutely crucial to take him alive.

Instead, the boat gets riddled with bullets.

It reminds me of the arson on the false flag Symbionese Liberation Army when they were contained in LA in 1974.

Donald "Cinque" DeFreeze could not be allowed to live and tell his tale.

Looks like Dzhokhar wasn't meant to tell his tale either.

Quote:Boston Marathon suspect may never be able to be questioned, mayor says

Surviving suspect's injuries prevent him from communicating as FBI faces scrutiny over contact with Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011

Karen McVeigh and Matt Williams in New York, Adam Gabbatt in Boston and Miriam Elder in Makhachkala, Dagestan, Sunday 21 April 2013 19.22 BST
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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
The medical condition of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev meant it was unlikely that the FBI would get any early leads from him, officials said. Photograph: Corbis

The surviving Boston bombings suspect is so seriously injured that investigators may struggle to interrogate him effectively, it was suggested on Sunday, as further questions were raised about the FBI's previous contacts with his dead brother.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old who is accused of planting the pressure-cooker bombs with his older brother Tamerlan that killed three and injured more than 180 at the Boston marathon last Monday, was being treated in hospital for a reported bullet wound to the throat and was unable to speak. He was captured on Friday night, a day after a violent gun battle with police that left his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, dead.

Boston mayor Tom Menino told This Week on ABC that he was so seriously ill that agents might never be able to interrogate him. "We don't know if we'll ever be able to question the individual," he said.

Dan Coats, a Republican member of the Senate intelligence committee, told ABC: "The information that we have is that there was a shot to the throat. It doesn't mean he can't communicate, but right now I think he's in a condition where we can't get any information from him at all."
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
Breaking: Explosion Reported at Boston Marathon's Finish Line - by Jan Klimkowski - 21-04-2013, 07:54 PM

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