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Breaking: Explosion Reported at Boston Marathon's Finish Line
Wow, what can I say? I have been out visiting kid clients and came home to a reply re. the Roberts article I sent, from an ex-boyfriend, relevent becasue for five years or more he was part of the Cambridge based group "Assassination Information Bureau". (Harvey Yazijian). He replied to all, I guess to try to get into an argument with me in public. I do not intend to reply. I would not even know where to begin.

Hi, Dawn.

In all due respect, there's a serious amount of bullshit in this piece, particularly about the Marathon bombing. Were the two brothers guilty? What's the evidence? Might it be that the younger brother allegedly confessed? Might it be images taken by some schmuck showing the brothers firing away at cops in Watertown and heaving makeshift bombs? Might it be eyewitnesses/victims who saw these guys at the specific sites of the bombs? Would innocent guys blast away at the cops? The NY Post falsely accused some high-school kid of complicity and he went to authorities and was quickly exonerated. Why didn't the brothers do the same? Moreover, if the brothers were patsies of some kind, why weren't both killed? The authorities could have easily killed the younger brother as well and planted a gun on him. Instead, he was taken alive and will have his day in court. That would be a gross oversight of any cabal.

I completely agree that the younger brother deserves his day in court and his is innocent until proven guilty, but to rail away that these guys are innocent and the state is somehow framing them is dubious at best. Additionally, the brothers did NOT release the guy whose car they hijacked, as Roberts asserts. They guy escaped and that was in every news outlet, including interviews with the guy. Roberts isn't getting even basic, widely-reported facts correctly. He wants to believe that the Marathon bombing was some sinister state cover-up, so nothing will discourage him from believing so. It's all about critical thinking. You parroted Alex Jones' remarkable bullshit that two guys with logos on their caps resembling the logo of some Blackwater-like outfit were really the culprits. After all, there they were at the bombing scene with backpacks and their incriminating caps. What more proof do you need? Tell me, Dawn. Do you think the gunman on the Grassy Knoll was wearing his CIA t-shirt that day? Do you really think covert ops guys brandish whoever they work for on their sleeves as they go into the field? Alex Jones does. Why should he be considered credible?

Moreover, the assertion that the whole event was some kind of ploy to create a police state strains credulity. Were you in the area during this whole event? Was Roberts? I was and it was scary (fortunately, my town was just beyond the security perimeter). There were extremely dangerous killers on the loose and everyone was tense. It got a whole lot tenser after the shooting at MIT. All we knew was there were guys prowling our communities who were armed with guns and bombs and who were very homicidal (they planted their bombs in the midst of children and families, looking them in the eye. That's seriously cold.). Damn straight we were all happy after a handful of underpaid, working-class Watertown cops, some of whom were off duty, risked their lives to bring down one of the brothers and then the cops, almost despite themselves, were able to bring the other one in alive. I grew up in Watertown on Dexter Ave. just a couple of blocks away from Laurel Street until the fourth grade. Watertown wasn't a police state then and I've seen no evidence that it's a police state now. I find it downright creepy that people, often thousands of miles away, chide people who live here for celebrating that the psychos were no longer a threat to them. Downright creepy. I hope this never happens in Austin, but if it does, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

I believe in best evidence. I certainly have a lot of questions about the whole affair, as do many other people, but the best evidence right now is the brothers did it. Please show me actual, real-world evidence to the contrary.

Finally, Roberts asks, "Why did Homeland Security purchase a billion or more rounds of ammunition? Why does Homeland Security have 2,700 tanks and a para-military force?" I know right-wing talk radio has been spreading this claim about Homeland Security buying ammunition. Please show me any evidence whatsoever that it's actually truethat Homeland Security indeed bought an inordinate amount of ammunition. I'm talking about actual evidence that would satisfy an attorney. Do so and I'll stop thinking this is a right-wing/NRA meme that people like Roberts want to believe.

And this claim about Homeland Security having 2,700 tanks, not to mention the paramilitary force? Please show me reasonable evidence that Homeland Security has 2,700 tanks. Where are they? Considering that each tank costs tens of millions of dollars, where did Homeland Security get the bucks to buy 2,700? Any evidence whatsoever, other than some right-wing nut job like an Alex Jones said it's so. Please do so. You sent this email out and you clearly believe it. What convinced you that Homeland Security bought all this ammunition and has 2,700 tanks? Did you accept these claims blindly simply because you want to believe they're true?

I'll stick to critical thinking, evidence-based reasoning, and common sense. That's why I'm diametrically opposed to this country's rabid and paranoid right wing.

I await your reply. I look forward to being informed.


Messages In This Thread
Breaking: Explosion Reported at Boston Marathon's Finish Line - by Dawn Meredith - 18-05-2013, 07:59 PM

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