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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"

Whistleblower quits over Öszöd lies speech' claims

Tito the Dog & a deceased Bolivian mercenary: the ever stranger case of the leaked recording that ruined the Socialists

Posted on 31 May 2013, Author: Robert Hodgson

Democratic Coalition politician Bálint Szabó tells reporters on Friday that he has proof to back up his allegations of who leaked the lies speech. He quit the party on Monday but then later said he would name names next week.

Democratic Coalition politician Bálint Szabó quit the breakaway party of former Socialist PM Ferenc Gyurcsány on Monday. Szabó had told a pro-government newspaper the previous week that a Socialist politician named "Katalin, Imre or Ferenc" must have leaked the notorious "Öszöd lies speech", promising to put an end to a seven-year-old mystery.
At a closed, post-election meeting in 2006, Gyurcsány harangued the newly elected Socialists to acknowledge they had lied to voters and "f****d up" the country. The broadcast of the recording in September that year triggered a series of anti-government riots and eventually led to a disastrous election defeat in 2010 that saw the right-wing Fidesz party swept to power with a two-thirds parliamentary majority. No one has ever come forward and admitted passing the speech to Magyar Rádió.
The Democratic Coalition gave Szabó until this Sunday to present incontrovertible evidence backing up his claims. He promptly announced on Monday that he was standing down, telling reporters in Szeged: "I am not sure that a week will be enough for me to do what others couldn't do in seven years."
Twists & turns in lies speech drama
However, he was back in the news by Wednesday, telling pro-government Lánchíd Rádió at least according to its partner newspaper, Magyar Nemzet that he had documentary proof to back up his claims. Next week he would name names.
The plot was thickened the same day by the former fiancée of a Bolivian-Hungarian-Croatian mercenary named Eduardo Rózsa-Flores, who was shot dead in Bolivia in 2009 while participating in what the authorities claim was a terrorist plot against President Evo Morales.
Szabó had claimed in a Heti Válasz interview that he was present in Rózsa-Flores' District VI flat when the three Socialist politicians were listening to the recording of Gyurcsány's "Öszöd lies speech", named after the Lake Balaton resort where it was delivered. The would-be whistleblower said he had remained in an adjacent room with Rózsa-Flores' dog Tito, named after the Yugoslav communist leader who died in 1980.
Timeline disputed
Linda Szászvári, Rózsa-Flores' former fiancée, told conservative news blog that the flat in Eötvös utca (street) had been sold in 2004 and Tito (the dog) died the same year. Szászvári acknowledged that Rózsa-Flores had been in possession of the Öszöd speech but said he is unlikely to have left behind much in the way of clues.
"He was clever, he had military training and he is sure to have had some insurance," Szászvári said. "I don't think by making a secret recording, but by making the evidence disappear. He always communicated via Skype, deleted more important emails, from the waste bin too, and even reinstalled software on his computer from time to time, precisely so he would leave no tracks.
"He must have spoken to someone about having the Gyurcsány speech but it certainly wasn't Bálint Szabó."
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"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

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