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Destruction of the critical community
The more obvious ones McAdams, Rahn, Mack, etc.
Just came across this darling admission:

Is John McAdams hell-bent on destroying the (alt.conspiracy.jfk) newsgroup?

Sadly yes. His own words appended below summarize his intentions better than I could.

From Sat Feb 15 05:17:02 1997
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Subject: Re: Blown back by shot
From: (John McAdams)
Date: 14 Feb 1997 22:17:02 -0700

You buffs have been cooperating marvelously with my scheme
to make this group a shambles.
And you know the bizarre part? My scheme is not a secret.
I have publicly announced it.
I have made it perfectly obvious.
I have rubbed you buffs' noses in it.
It's blatantly obviously to everybody.


But the community does not need the likes of McAdams to be in shambles.

Members who put ego before truth have done the job for them.

As we approach the 50th anniversary and the censorship that has found its way to Dealey Plaza

I respectfully appeal to the cause of reason and justice over ego- driven divisions.


Messages In This Thread
Destruction of the critical community - by Dawn Meredith - 02-06-2013, 09:27 PM

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