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The Head Wounds Revisited
My responses in BOLD... quoted text usually in BOLD/Italic... empahsis in red.


David J.,

Firstly, let me just say thank you for remaining civil. All too often in thesediscussions, where two participants have polar opposite views, things can turnhostile very quickly. And that's something I'm keen to avoid. So again, thanks.

My pleasure an informed and well supported debate is, imo, the most valuable offering a forum like this can offer. Peopleshould be allowed to decide for themselves and not have to sift thru ad homs and Counterintelpro type techniques just to discuss the case.

Anyway, I'm not exactly sure what point it is you're trying to make with regardto the X-rays. You write:

Where are these"torso" xrays that would have been shown to Finck? They must NOT havebeen shown since he requested BODY XRAYS as there were none available to himwhen he arrived..."

There were X-rays of the torso madebefore Finck arrived, he said so himself many times. In his report to GeneralBlumberg, Finck stated: "The brain, the heart and the lungs had been removedbefore my arrival. X ray films of the head and chest had been taken." After hediscovered the back wound, and they couldn't locate the bullet, "I SUGGEST XRAY FILMS BE TAKEN...OF THE ENTIRE BODY" (ARRB MD28). He knew that bulletscould end up in the damnedest places, that's why Finck suggested entire bodyX-rays.
My point here is a few fold…
Look at what is written Martin. In the 15 minutes between 8:15 (firstincision which you are now saying was in the head) and Finck's arrival at 8:30….(actually2000 crossed out and replaced with 2030) "The brain, heart and lungs wereremoved"….. (which we know to be POST Yincision) in the 25 minutes from 7:35 and8pm …..
A: (Finck)In the entire body we saw X-rays of, I requested whole body X-rays for the reasons I mentioned, that when I arrived in Bethesda, there were only X-rays of the head showing fragments due to another bullet wound.

Reading Reed's ARRB testimony (start at page35 or so)… one gets the distinct impression that Reed could not have taken all the xrays as well as have photos done at that time as well between 7:35 and 8pm… YET according to the official timeline, JFK did not arrive at the morgue until 8pm.. first incision 8:15. Reed et al needs much more time to complete the head xrays, let alone include the body ones you say Finck saw prior to ordering more… AND you have to explain how the body is in the morgue BEFORE it is brought to the morgue…
Humes is telling us that ALL THE XRAYS prior to Finck, were done BEFORE 8pm. And if we are going to take Finck's word, the Chest x-rays taken did not show metallic fragments… BUT THESE TOO WERE SUPPOSEDLY TAKEN AND DEVELOPED IN 25 MINUTES… I believe if you look closer that is not physically possible….

Commander HUMES - Some of these X-rays were taken before and someduring the examination which, also maintains for the photographs, which weremade as the need became apparent to make such. However, before the postmortem examination wasbegun, anterior, posterior and lateral X-rays of the head, and of the torsowere made, and identification type photographs, I recall having beenmade of the full face of the late President. A photograph showing the massivehead wound with the large defect that was associated with it. To my recollection all of these were made before theproceedings began. Severalothers, approximately 15 to 20 in number, were made in total before we finishedthe proceedings.

As far as I know, you are correct that thefirst incision SHOULD BE the Y incision, but by Hume's own admission that wasnot the case in JFK's autopsy. From his ARRB testimony:

Q. But just let me start out first: Where wasthe first incision made?
A. I believe, of course, the top of the skull to remove the skull plate of thebrain. To remove what remained of the calvarium and to approach the removal ofthe brain.
Q. And was that incision simply of the scalp, or did you need to cut--
A. No, we had to cut some bone as well.
Q. Where did you make the incision on the scalp?
A. Where we usually--in the coronal plane, over the coronal suture. Of course,half of it was already--I mean, you know, it wasn't a neat incision because part of it was over the large defect that was already present. (p. 101)

Finck also tells us there was no cutting of the skull, only extending of the coronal suture line… "No sawing of the skull was necessary"

From the FBI Report:

Bureau agents assisted in the moving of the casket to the autopsy room. Thisoccurred at 7:17.
All personnel with the exception of medical officers needed in the taking of photographs andX-Rays were requested to leave the autopsy room andremain in an adjacent room.
Upon completion of X-Rays and photographs, the firstincision was made at 8:15 p.m

According to this FBI report the Xrays and photos were COMPLETED by 8:15. Nothing in their report tells us Finck ordered or got any additional Xrays DURING the autopsy.

The following is a complete listing of photographs andX-Rays taken by the medical authorities of the President's body. Theywere turned over to Mr. Roy KELLERMAN of the Secret Service. X-Rays were developed by the hospital, however, the photographs were delivered to Secret Service undeveloped:
11 X-Rays- (when you read Reed'stestimony we find that a single image would take 5-6 minutes to develop andthen be checked for quality on p44 he tells us it took 25-28 minutes for 4 FOUR xrays when do you suppose there was time for 11?)
22 4 x 5 color photographs
18 4 x 5 black and white photographs
1 roll of 120 film containing five exposures

You write: "Finck tells us that xrays WERETAKEN of the body after the Y incision... since he is obviously looking at"entire body x-rays" at somepoint.
Once they begin working on him, the xrays and photos are now NOT reflective of the condition of the body in Dallas... can't be."

Yes that's right but, as I noted above, healso tells us that the X-rays of the SKULL were taken BEFORE his arrival. AndHumes, Boswell, Reed and everyone else who was there says that this was BEFOREthe first incision into the scalp. So the X-rays of the skull are ABSOLUTELYreflective of the state of the head AS IT ARRIVED at Bethesda.

Then it appears there are more xrays than there should be. Reed goes on to saythat after the first 4 head xrays, he is told to go wait in the gallery (he says podium but means gallery) where he is for 20 more minutes… and then starts taking the "other" xrays… p47 of his testimony… he had taken 2 each of each arm and each leg (8 total), 4 of the head (12 total) and 4 of the chest/abdomen… 16 total xrays ALL before Finck arrives..

"did you (Reed) take any xrays at any subsequent point during the evening?"

So Martin… what's going on here? Too many xrays taken as opposed to FBI recorded given to Kellerman… Not enough time to even take these xrays prior to 8pm…. And no mention of who JFK is on the morgue table AND brought to the morgue at 8pm… (I think you will findthat our FBI boys did NOT witness the opening of the casket, the empty casket. Which is what I am starting to see happened…
There was no SWITCH BACK to the ornate casket… This casket was brought in… and as they say in the report: which I believe was a much longer time than expressed.

All personnel with the exceptionof medical officers needed in the taking of photographs and X-Rays were requested to leave the autopsy room and remain in an adjacent room

With regard to the multiple caskets, there isno doubt that there is considerable confusion about this and I will not pretend to know what I cannot. I wish I had all the answers regarding entry times and whatnot, but I don't. However, the fact remains that the folks at Bethesda weretold, according to petty officer Donald Rebentisch, that two ambulances carrying two caskets were employed one of them empty and one with the body ofKennedy in a deliberate charade to slip the President's body into BethesdaNaval Hospital. And his story is corroborated by Bethesda staff dentaltechnician Robert Muma and another of Rebentisch's associates, Paul Neigler. Italso seems that their may have been a third casket carrying the body of adeceased soldier. Like I said, there is confusion about what was what regardingthe caskets which I guess was the whole point of the security measure. Does thatmean that we are free to conclude that there must have been some illicitpre-autopsy surgery? Hell no! There is still no evidence of such. And if, perHorne, Humes was the one doing the deed, why would it be necessary to putKennedy's body in a different casket anyway?

All I can go on is what we have as evidence… There is just as much evidence that JFK was flown to Bethesda in a helicopter and brought into the morgue via a black hearse… probably Gawlers.. when you listen to the tapes of the right front ramp preparations… and you come to realize that Reed was correct yet started his work over an hour before youthink he did… you can reverse engineer the process…

IMO, the events must be viewed from 11/22 onward, not 2013 backward. I'm not sure why you have such trouble believing Dennis David's account… as corroborated. Boyijean was a COPY he kept… and not to be found in the record… and is corroborated by the Joint Casket report which also states the body left Bethesda at 3:50am. Obviously we all give weight to different evidence differently…. But you have not once address the conflict between the timings of entrance #1, the SS/FBI entrance #2 (where by then JFK was being xrays by Reed) and entrance #3, the MDW…

I am adding this graphic to show that the Fox photos still may not have been taken at Bethesda... The way it is described and how it is drawn... WHERE do you thing the included photos were taken within the Bethesda morgue.. Doesn't one of the witnesses state that wooden thing on the floor above JFK was NOT at the bethesda morgue and that they used BLOCKS to support the head, not the metal brace....

Robinsonsaid he had a "50 yard-line seat' at the autopsy, and was leaning on the railwith his arms, from his seat in the gallery. He said the President's head was to his right, which means that he was on the anatomical left of the President during the autopsy. He said that most of thepathologists and their assistants were opposite him, on the anatomical right of the President during the autopsy. The gallery observers were behind him in thegallery.

You write: "and Finally... you do notaddress the known fact that not a single person in Dallas tells us the damage is anything close to what is described at Bethesda...
NOT ONE Martin... they all confirm what Hill tells us... ALL of them."

I did address this before in post #11. Here'swhat I wrote:

The great mystery that remains for many is the discrepancy between what wasseen at Parkland and what was recorded at Bethesda. To me is this no longer amystery. Firstly, as your graphic shows, the Parkland doctors described a woundthat was in pretty much the area in which the fragment trail onthe X-ray showsthe bullet did exit. Some of them thought it was lower down, some of them not.I don't find it surprising or troubling that some thought the wound was furtherback than it was. I don't agree with everything Pat Speer says but he does somefine work on this on his website.

See graphic for bullet path… it does NOT align with a shot from behind… even when replaced 4 inches higher… and it was the AUTOPSY the NIGHT IF THE KILLING that determined where the entry was… are you trying to say the autopsy wrongly concluded where the shot entered JFK? And yet years later the HSCA could correctly place it when noteven seeing the body? Amazing!

Martin... there is not hile to the rear of that fragment path... there was a wound over his right eye seen by MANY... as well as damage to the left temple area... the most telling being the line drawing of the location of these fragments.. if there is no bone or brain there... (frontal view) what is holding those fragments up?


Secondly, the autopsy report admits that the skull damage extended into theoccipital region which actually confirms part of the Parkland doctors'recollections rather than contradicts it. But the autopsy doctors said that thewound was 17 cm, encompassing most of the right side of the head, which isobviously bigger than what was seen at Parkland. What to make of this? Well, Ibelieve that Dr. Gary Aguilar provided the most reasonable explanation yearsago in Murder in Dealey Plaza:

"...that the wound was described as larger at autopsy than noted by emergencypersonnel is not proof it was surgically enlarged. Wounds picked apart duringan autopsy examination are often found to be larger than they first appeared toemergency personnel. In Kennedy's case, moreover, Jackie Kennedy testified thatshe tried to hold the top of JFK's head down while they raced from Dealey Plazato Parkland Hospital. It is not hard to imagine the possibility that during thetime it took the Presidential limousine to get to Parkland Hospital, clot hadformed gluing a portion of disrupted scalp down making JFK's skull defectappear smaller to treating surgeons than it later would to autopsy surgeons."(p. 187)

In other words, the Parkland staff only saw the rear most part of the woundwhich fooled them into thinking it was located only in the rear of the head.This is perfectly reasonable and I have no problem accepting it as a probableexplanation. It is INFINITELY more reasonable than claims that the autopsydoctors performed illicit pre-autopsy surgery which, as I said above, wascompletely unnecessary anyway.

I don't think we have any place to go if weare going to use the word "REASONABLE" and the "ASSASSINATION OF JFK".

From my POV, the Evidence had to create anenduring record of Lee Oswald the lone killer.
There is more than enough evidence to supporta frontal head shot… From SS agents toDPD to Sheriffs to witnesses closest to the shots, the FRONT at the very least,was the source of at least 1 shot if not more… whether they missed or not, theFRONTAL SHOT(S) occurred and destroy Oswald the Lone Nut…

Martin… there are many, many steps that take place prior to the changing of JFK'swounds which reinforce the NEED to do so. As I am not a CIA assassination planner, I cannot tell you what wasplanned or not… what I do know is thatthe "illicit altering of JFK's wounds" would not come anywhere near the levelof atrocity the CIA had engineered only within a few years… and continued to engineer in the years ahead… Add to this the depravity that exists in thearmed forces of the USA and it really is no wonder the autopsy was changed fromthe legally mandated one from Earl Rose, to the military only, closed dooraffair that it became.

Alteration is one of the best explanationsfor the evidence that is available to us. If you'd prefer to dismiss everyone in DP, Hill's description, Parkland'sdescription, the evidence of a frontal headshot, the record of evidence abusesINCLUDING the faking of xrays and the taking of multiple sets of Xray/photographicimages… so be it.

Either way he is dead, those that benefittedfrom it, did so.. and these same people shoved it down your throat with Oklahoma,Afghanistan and 9/11 - just to name the tip of that spear.

The level of distaste and believability of itall was, IMO, part of the "brutal way in which they disposed of this leader…" signaling to all, "WE ARE IN CONTROL" andinsuring that no one from the janitors to the Admirals were going to talk…

Sorry my friend… but, "INFINITELYmore reasonable" has no place at thistable.


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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Martin Hay - 13-06-2013, 04:14 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 13-06-2013, 08:04 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Martin Hay - 13-06-2013, 08:46 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 13-06-2013, 09:38 PM
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The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Lifton - 17-06-2013, 12:57 PM
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The Head Wounds Revisited - by Martin Hay - 17-06-2013, 09:10 PM
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The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 19-06-2013, 11:35 PM
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The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 24-06-2013, 05:36 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Albert Doyle - 24-06-2013, 12:56 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Tracy Riddle - 24-06-2013, 03:19 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 24-06-2013, 05:25 PM
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The Head Wounds Revisited - by Gordon Gray - 25-06-2013, 01:00 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 25-06-2013, 02:26 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 25-06-2013, 07:10 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 25-06-2013, 09:40 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Phil Dragoo - 25-06-2013, 11:02 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Ray Mitcham - 25-06-2013, 11:22 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Albert Rossi - 26-06-2013, 12:08 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 26-06-2013, 12:22 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 26-06-2013, 12:38 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 26-06-2013, 07:43 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Mike Crane - 02-07-2013, 06:31 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 02-07-2013, 07:58 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Mike Crane - 02-07-2013, 08:13 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 02-07-2013, 08:29 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Mike Crane - 02-07-2013, 08:55 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Albert Rossi - 02-07-2013, 09:32 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Mike Crane - 02-07-2013, 09:38 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Bernice Moore - 07-07-2013, 12:54 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 06-08-2013, 01:31 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 06-08-2013, 04:15 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Phil Dragoo - 06-08-2013, 10:39 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Jim Hackett II - 06-08-2013, 11:09 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 06-08-2013, 06:26 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 07-08-2013, 04:36 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 07-08-2013, 07:25 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 08-08-2013, 03:53 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Phil Dragoo - 08-08-2013, 07:25 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 08-08-2013, 06:21 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 08-08-2013, 09:12 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Ray Mitcham - 08-08-2013, 10:56 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 08-08-2013, 11:11 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by David Josephs - 09-08-2013, 12:08 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Albert Doyle - 14-12-2013, 01:04 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Albert Doyle - 04-12-2014, 06:01 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 05-12-2014, 03:46 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Bob Prudhomme - 05-12-2014, 03:54 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 05-12-2014, 08:16 AM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Albert Doyle - 05-12-2014, 04:24 PM
The Head Wounds Revisited - by Daniel Gallup - 05-12-2014, 05:51 PM

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