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Why Was JFK MurdERED? by Donna Coe
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:The 60s. What an interesting decade. A re-definition of the conscious fabric of the country began. The assassinations, of course, playing a key part. The Vietnam War. Such shocking events as the Manson family killings and the introduction of the Zodiac Killer. And, many other things swinging into active movement.

I've no idea how our consciousness works, but at this stage of my life I am inclined to believe we are connected in ways we do not yet fully understand. We do not own our thinking and its patterns. It is shared upon arrival on this earth. It is one thing. Undivided. A stream where we are dipped and experience life here. To call it "mine" or "me" is not accurate. Are we in search of facts? Or, are we in search of truth?

What we see in the media, on a grand scale, is controlled, I think. It is done with great intent. And, the underlining message is this: You are weak. There is nothing you can do. You need authority. You are incapable. The world is an overpowering and scary place. You need help. Be frigthened.

Pounded over and over and over again. Movies. The "news." Books. TV. Magazines. In all these stories.

President Kennedy, it seems to me, is the archetype of the fallen King. The one who could have saved the world, if he had lived. So close. So faraway. And, with his death and promotion of his image as the fallen King, comes the arrival of despair and a deep sense of the hopeless.

We are fed shocking events to be absorbed into the fabric of our shared consciousness. When the field of consciousness is shocked, it becomes malleable. There for the taking. That consciousness is a never-ending stream, shared in the here and now, and passed on to the unborn. One thing. Indivisible.

We are told a story. We process the story as "reality." But, I have begun to wonder if the reality of the story has any truth.

So, I arrive back at the initial premise: Was President Kennedy elected to be murdered and play the role of the fallen King? A single step in an operation to control the parameters of consciousness?

And, what would happen if this consciousness awoke to the story it has been told? To see it as a story and nothing more? And if there was such an awareness: that the responsibility of that awakening belonged to each of us. Here. Now.

Change doesn't come from the outside, moving in. It is the other way around. We are responsible. All of us, for this. The story we are told tells us the opposite. It tells us we are not responsible at all. That there is nothing that can be done.

That is one it's main purposes.

But, is it true?*

Well said. *Answer: NO, A Quintilian times NO!, but it must be 'done' - not just talked about, debated, argued about, written up, reported, refuted, analyzed (and then analyzed with regression analysis). We are, at this point in 'history', sadly IMO, afforded very little more time for nice 'academic' discussions alone - we are sadly entering the point where one, to have an effect that actually results in change, has to do more than talk the talk; but to walk the walk............

(this is messaged out to all of us).

The UBERmessage is, and always throughout history has been: 'Look, little man/woman, you can't make it on your own, so we'll just have to protect you; and for that protection we rule and own you - you do as we say. The different systems have built different stage sets, used different make-up and disguises, but have always basically been about the same thing.

It has never been acceptable to those on who this was imposed. Now, it will soon not be viable, in the true sense of the term.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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Why Was JFK MurdERED? by Donna Coe - by Peter Lemkin - 18-06-2013, 07:03 PM

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