18-06-2013, 08:32 PM
For me the question is why didn't the bullet that struck the president in the back penetrate. The wound was consistent with a 6.5 cal. bullet. The 6.5 Manlicher Carcano bullet is a FMJ penetrating bullet. I have always thought that the Dal Tex shooter would have been the best shooter because that position afforded the clearest shot for the longest duration of time. So I doubt he would have been using an inferior weapon such as the one found on the 6th floor. The optimum shot given the plan to implicate Qswald would have been just after the limo had finished it's turn onto Elm St., before it began to resume speed. Kennedy's back would be to the Dal Tex and also consistent with a trajectory from the TSBD. If a shot happened at that time(and there is some conjecture that one did) then it missed. .