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The disappearance of the photographers' vehicle
Without the complete failure of every Secret Service agent in JFK's detail on November 22, 1963, the assassination wouldn't have been possible. If Greer had followed standard procedure and accelerated at the sound of gunfire. If Kellerman had followed standard procedure and jumped in back to shield JFK after the first shot. If the motorcycle cops had been in their usual (and logical) places. bracketing the limo on each fender. If any one of the agents on the follow up car had followed standard procedure and rushed forward at the sound of gunfire to cover JFK.

There will be no belatedly released memo delineating orders from someone, instructing the Secret Service agents not to protect JFK in Dallas that day. But the conclusion is inescapable that, for whatever reason, JFK's presidential detail did not follow standard procedures that day, and permitted the assassination to happen as a result. When you add in the other oddities that day, from McHugh not riding with JFK as usual, to the press corps being so far back in the motorcade, thereby robbing history of professional footage of JFK's assassination, to the continuing effort to absolve the Secret Service of responsibility, to the point of elderly agents writing books dishonestly trying to blame JFK for his own death, it should become obvious to any researcher that this is a productive line of inquiry.

We continue to chase shadowy entities like "rogue" elements, "anti-Castro" Cubans and the like, but are curiously reluctant to look at individuals who appear suspect. Emory Roberts, for instance, can be seen waving off an agent initially identified as Henry Rybka (and I still believe it is Rybka), as the limo leaves the airport. Rybka's reaction is very telling, and combined with the allegation that Roberts ordered John Ready to stay on the bumper of the follow up car when he was going to actually do his job, elevated Roberts to the status of a primary suspect, in my view, in terms of having prior knowledge of the assassination. Another more obvious suspect is Bill Greer. It's a jarring blow to common sense to watch him hit the brakes, and then turn around and watch JFK's response to the throat wound, and yet remain unresponsive until after the fatal head shot.

In any real investigation, the Secret Service agents in JFK's detail would have been grilled mercilessly, and considered at very best to have been monstrously derelict in their duties. Instead, they were actually praised by the Warren Commission and some still consider Clint Hill a hero.

Messages In This Thread
The disappearance of the photographers' vehicle - by Don Jeffries - 24-06-2013, 05:53 AM

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