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The disappearance of the photographers' vehicle
Was the shuffling of the photographer and press vehicle so far back in the motorcade, to a point where there was virtually no view of the presidential limo in the distance, a deliberate and premeditated part of a conspiracy? Or could it have just been coincidence?

Consider that question in the context of what could be viewed as other Dallas Motorcade Coincidences:

1. A decision is made not to involve the nearby 112th Military Intelligence unit for Presidential protection in Dallas.
2. The Motorcade route is arranged to include a 120° turn, violating SS protocols.
3. DPD decides to provide only limited protection for the motorcade
4. DPD motorcycle escorts are ordered to remain behind the Presidential Limo rather than flanking it.
5. A decision is made not to use the Bubble Top on the Limo
6. At Love Field, JFK aide General Godfrey McHugh is shuffled from his ordinary spot in the front seat of the Limo to the VIP car, much further back in the motorcade.
7. JFK's personal physician, Dr. George Burkley was shuffled from his expected position in the lead car or followup car to a bus far back in the motorcade, despite his protests to the SS at Love Field.
8. Two SS agents flanking the Presidential Limo at Love Field are ordered to stand down by Roberts
9. Photographer and Press are shuffled farther back in the motorcade then normal, where they will be unable to take pictures or film the Presidential Limo and the immediate surroundings during the shooting sequence.
10. Jerry Belknap faints on Houston Street, diverting attention away from the SouthWest part of Dealey Plaza where shooters are most certainly settling into their positions, scant minutes before the motorcade arrives
11. Just-recently-hired-sheep-dipped Lee Oswald happens to be working at the TSBD
12. The previously mentioned 120° turn happens directly in front of the TSBD, slowing the Limo down dramatically as it glides toward the kill zone.
13. Numerous individuals are present on the Railroad overpass in Dealey Plaza, violating SS protocols.
14. TUM chooses the kill zone in Dealey Plaza for his "demonstration"
15. DCM also chooses the kill zone (right next to TUM) to view the motorcade
16. DCM raises his fist and TUM pumps his umbrella during the shooting sequence
17. Presidential Limo comes to a Near/Complete stop, violating SS protocols.
18. The only SS agent to react protectively in a timely manner to the gunfire is the agent protecting VP Johnson.

It is not my intention to cast doubt on SSA Sorrels. He is, imo, innocent of knowing participation in the plot.
The question regarding the Press, or any one of the above items, standing alone, could be considered a coincidence.
But viewed together as a group, they lend themselves to a conclusion of arrangements and careful planning.

Messages In This Thread
The disappearance of the photographers' vehicle - by Richard Hocking - 24-06-2013, 08:36 PM

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