01-07-2013, 10:07 PM
Allan Eaglesham Wrote:Dawn:
What part of the evidence persuades you that William Pitzer was murdered?
According to Kim Reinholt back in 2004, Dennis David describes what he saw and how he saw it... and then fills out a face sheet related to the injuries he says he saw...
Given that he did NOT see the body... and is able to describe pretty well what he saw and how it matched the Dallas description... I guess the question is
Where did the 16mm film come from? Hand held ? (re:CCTV - According to Dr. Joseph Humes, Pitzer was not present at the autopsy. However, he admitted that the Bethesda Naval Hospital was equipped with closed-circuit television. This was the responsibility of Pitzer and over the years had used these facilities to make instructional movies. It is therefore possible that Pitzer had secretly made a 16-mm movie film of the autopsy on President Kennedy's body, without being present in the autopsy room when it was carried out.)
A fixed position camera above the autopsy tables SHOULd assist with the teaching school aspect of Bethesda... and would be turned on with the flick of a switch...
I've read and enjoyed both men's contributions to our understanding... but to say that Pitzer committed suicide seems to me a bit naive.
(an interesting note from which Allen starts his paper on "Murder of Suicide" is the statement from the autopsy doctor #1... "No autopsy report has been prepared and one will not be prepared for at least a week, as it will be that long BEFORE THE BRAINWILL HARDEN ENOUGH FOR A COMPLETE EXAMINATION." (my emphasis)
Didn't they find that the brain examined appeared as if it had been in formalin for 2 weeks? )
Anyway... to the issue... Allen, I am a bit confused as this is from http://www.manuscriptservice.com/Pitzer/Article-3.html the last link from the original article.
So this is you concluding it was MURDER? or SUICIDE?
As described in detail before (1), physical evidence relating to the death of Lt. Cmdr. William B. Pitzer is consistent with homicide and inconsistent with suicide. The Cold Case Squad of the NCIS will review the case in the near future. In his testimony for the ARRB, Dr. Humes stated that the autopsy room at the Bethesda Naval Hospital was equipped with closed-circuit television. Pitzer's specialty was closed-circuit television and its applications, and he collaborated with Dr. Humes in the production of instructional movies that were made on videotape then transferred to movie film. Therefore, the facilities were available and Lt. Cmdr. Pitzer had the expertise to produce a 16-mm movie film of the autopsy on President Kennedy's body, without being present in the autopsy room, on the evening of 11/22/63. This may be as close as Dennis David will come to having his story corroborated.
And from the "Murder or Suicide" paper you compiled:
The technician summarized her/his findings as, "Examination of (the) paraffin cast(s) reflected no
substance characteristic of, or which could be associated with, gunpowder or gunshot residue."
However, the back of the right hand had "large amounts of blood, skin and hair."
No additional wounds are noted on the right side of the head and no powder burns of the skinsurrounding the area are noted.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter