03-07-2013, 06:24 PM
David Guyatt Wrote:Harry,
Do you know what the political / business motives were for the plan to invade Canada?
I remember reading of this plan a few years ago and was surprised by it. But even then there seemed to be no explanation of the underlying political / business motives.
However, I am aware that the War & Peace Studies Group of the CFR had concluded during the war years of WWII, to effectively sequester Britain's "empire" in the post war years. I imagine US access to raw materials was the governing motive for this policy formulation.
Perhaps a similar need arose for Canadian logs, water and maple syrup?
Further down on page 12 of CROSSTRAILS manuscript/book is told the major
reason of the 1930's US. plan to invade...'British iron-grip control of world trade
drove the European and American continence keeping them at a brink-of-war
desperation level. England's merchant fleets and navies ruled the waves, the
sun never set on her world-wide empire"...
This US. plan was to aimed to declare war on on England...