05-08-2013, 04:23 PM
Duncan MacRae Wrote:Rob Caprio Wrote:***Note--I would like to post this series I was doing on JFKAssassinationForum before I was banned for life for telling the truth.
Just so as the good members of DPF know, and because I know you wouldn't want to start here by conveying an out and out lie, and for the record, YOU ARE NOT BANNED FOR LIFE ---Repeat --- YOU ARE NOT BANNED FOR LIFE.
Your posting privileges were suspended for 28 days for repeatedly ignoring previous warnings, that's warnings plural, to not accuse fellow members of posting on the JFK Assassination Forum elsewhere via use of an alias.
You chose to ignore the warnings, you pay the consequences.
That is all I have to say on the matter. If you wish to leave the forum permanently, just let me know.
Carry on!!
Duncan MacRae
Thank you for your concern, Duncan.
Mr. Caprio: Would you please share with us in a concise but specific fashion the "truth" that you told which led to your banning?
In addition, would you please help us to understand why you are under the impression that you have been banned for life from the JFK Assassination Forum when Duncan states that the ban is for 28 days?
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.