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Are there statements from Kodak employees who saw the Zfilm friday?
You'll need to go back to page one and read your posts and how I've corrected numerous statements in them starting here

You've brought nothing but words to the table so far Jeff... and some claims about technical knowledge that you have not supported.

What Mr Pearse says is truly the most insignificant of areas to concentrate upon... He was ignored.

Playing here at the big boys table when you have yet to shed your diapers is amusing at best and disruptively suspicious at worst.

Is it within youto address a question with an Answer - or is that asking too much....

You state as FACT that the fluctuations in the fps caused by the spring mechanism can account for the FAST MOVEMENTS seen in the film...
That the fps varies ABOVE and BELOW the stated speed to AVERAGE OUT at 18.3

Please point to those areas in either side A or Side B of the Zfilm where the fps has SPED UP so much as to SLOW FRAMES DOWN when played at regular speed.

Put up or shut up already Jeff... patience is wearing thin.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David J - I won't respond to your taunts as I would like to believe that when you eventually grasp the information that is being shared, you will briefly feel bad about what you said. And then you will feel really bad about describing Ralph Pearse's observation as "insignificant".

"the Secret Service was vitally interested in timing how many seconds occurred between various frames, and that Ralph Pearse informed them, to their surprise and dismay, that this would be a useless procedure because the Bell and Howell movie camera (that they told him had taken the movie) was a spring-wound camera, with a constantly varying operating speed, and that while he could certainly time the number of seconds between various frames if they so desired, that in his view it was an unscientific and useless procedure which would provide bad data, and lead to false conclusions, or words to that effect." (Horne Inside ARRB Vol. 4 p1233)

David - in reply 8 on the Muchmore thread you offered up a chart which sought to position Clint Hill in some sort of time relation to the limousines. The calculations (mph of the vehicles, Hill's footspeed, 1.1 seconds elapsed counted by 21 frames) are based on a frame count of the Zapruder film.

What Ralph Pearse is telling you from a remove of almost five decades, is that every one of those calculations and relationships are necessarily wrong and that any attempt to use the Zapruder film as a clock by which to measure such relationships is "unscientific and useless". And Pearse identifies why this is so: "the Bell and Howell movie camera...was a spring-wound camera, with a constantly varying operating speed..."
Logic and reasoning escape you entirely.

You've done nothing to address the FBI's testing of the 60 seconds of camera time to show only the slightest variance in fps... slightly faster at the start, the first 30 seconds (when Zfilmed) and slower at the end..
MORE frames per second - MORE DETAIL during the 75" of assassiantion footage and LESS action missed
FEWER fps (17.9 versus 18.5) later in the film which would result in things like the Greer movements... NOT ENOUGH FRAMES TO CAPTURE THE ACTION since the fps is so slow... which would explain missing some of Greer's head turn.

But you offer nothing nor do you even bother addressing the issue. What Pearse says is ofcourse true... that isn't the point.
A stopwatch on a moving film sure sounds like a real accurate way to measure time...

Do you not understand it did not matter... the variation around 16 or 18 fps was so small and over such a short period of time, your offered argument is rendered moot....
The SS was trying to figure out where two shots COULD have occurred prior to the headshot... they didn't care what the film showed, only what it was supposed to show....

Make your points elsewhere then please Jeff... I prefer not to be bothered by your games any longer and will not be addressing your posts any longer.

there's plenty of room in the playground for you to stay on your own teeter-toter...

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
The FBI's speed test was a flawed premise before it even began.

"A stopwatch on a moving film sure sounds like a real accurate way to measure time..."

Because of the properties of the spring-wound Bell & Howell camera, there is no basis to determine anything about the "accurate time". Any attempts to do so is necessarily wrong.

The film serves as an approximation and not a clock.

I have gone further up the food-chain with this information, and eventually it will seep through.

be seeing you.

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