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Statements That Sink The WC's Conclusions -- #1
Peter Lemkin Wrote:There are no active members here who believe in the WC nor official lies about 11/22/63. I think it behooves the flurry of new members to familiarize themselves with this Forum and those who have been here many years. While an argument against the WC is not a problem, as is stated above, it is very much preaching to the choir. In fact, while 'fans' of the WC may lurk or look here, they can not post - as they'd soon be removed. This is WC-free zone; magic-bullet free zone; lone-nut free zone; Oswald did it free zone. Etc. Welcome. Pirate

New members who ONLY are interested in the JFK Assassination, while welcome, will notice that most here have a broader interest in exposing the underlying structures that caused: Dallas, various wars, assassinations, covert operations, bankster actions, the growing police-state, the cancelling of our rights and liberties, false-flag operations up the yazoo, 9-11, and just about everything we see these days - and applying past incidents to current events, and vice-versa. [i.e. how the JFK assassination informs on what had happened prior; has happened since; and what is happening today - as well as the 'details' and 'players' of the events, themselves]. We all, I'm sure, are aware of how very important the JFK assassination was and is still. But, I personally, like to put it in context as much as possible - as it was but one [very important] of many similar operations that occurred before and since - by the same general forces and for the same general reasons. IMO.

I appreciate your comment and feedback Mr. Lemkin on my post.

Since you don't know me from Adam let me say I am new to this board, but NOT new to the topic of the JFK assassination or what Peter Dale Scott calls "Deep Politics." I also don't view the discussion of evidence as anything bad as many CTers don't know the evidence in full or in detail so this could be helpful for them too. I have said for years Vincent Salandria was correct in saying we could get bogged down in the discussion of evidence to the point of NOT looking beyond it, but that has NOT been the case for me. I have always looked at the BIG picture in this case. To me, there lies an opportunity to enhance your big picture view by learning the evidence in full. For example, by doing this series I learned a few things I did NOT know and I began studying the case in 1989. The reason for this is that none of the researchers I have read, save for Dick Russell, mentioned it or did so in detail from what I remember, and I have read the vast majority of books on this case save for a few of the early great works. The points were these:

1- When LHO was arrested in New Orleans in August 1963 he had items on him and the NOPD listed them and this was added to the twenty-six volumes in CE-1942, but we did NOT see a Selective Service ID card for "A. Hidell" that he would allegedly have on him months later in Dallas per the DPD, but rather one in his own name. Why not?

2- LHO did NOT bother with the FPCC for years, but all of a sudden in May 1963 he took an interest in this group again. We see evidence (a letter dated May 22, 1963 from V.T. Lee to LHO) in the twenty-six volumes showing LHO had let his membership lapse years before (Lee Ex. 3A, p. 517), but now all of a sudden he was very interested and would get a new membership quite quickly. By May 28, 1963 LHO would have a new membership card in his OWN name sent to him. Obviously, there was a rush all of a sudden after years of inactivity on his part. Why? Or should we ask, who got him so interested again?

3- LHO would be questioned THREE times for his incident in New Orleans and he would ask to see the FBI and they came quickly on a Saturday to interview him. Why all the interest in a street incident? The most important piece of this was the comments contained in FBI Agent John Quigley's notes about his interview with LHO. Here is the relevant portion.

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The Quigley report stated: "Last Wednesday, August 7, 1963, Oswald said that he had received a note through the mail FROM Hidell. The note asked him if he had time would he mind distributing some Fair Play for Cuba Committee literature in the downtown area of New Orleans. He said that Hidell knew that he was NOT working and probably had time. Hidell also knew that he had considerable literature on the committee which had been furnished to him by the national committee in New York. (Citation from The Man Who Knew Too Much, page 518)

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This either shows us LHO was talking about himself in the third person, albeit with his alleged alias, or there was someone else using the name Hidell who called and gave LHO assignments. I tend to believe the latter. This leads us to who? Richard Case Nagell said he used the name Hidell on occasion so possibly it was him. Or it could have been someone like David Atlee Phillips who oversaw the FPCC program for the CIA. Either way, this is a point that leads back to the CIA, but I don't see it discussed at all in other places, but perhaps it has been discussed here.

I would think most of us believe parts of the CIA were involved in carrying out JFK's assassination (they in no way masterminded it IMO as they to have to report to higher ups), but this point is NOT pursued by many who claim to have an interest in this case for some reason.

Anyway, I will skip the posts on the evidence for now and see what I can learn about the other issues you spoke of.

Thanks for your comments again.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:
Rob Caprio Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Rob:

Paul May is a wonderful person who never told a lie in his life.

How could you say something like that about him.

Plus he is so fair minded and objective about the case and evidence.

That is why I call him St, Paul.


All I did was say what Paul May has admitted to--using fake names to post under. Duncan seems rather sensitive about the matter too despite saying he allowed folks to do this. It really is not important, but I think banning me for a month for telling the truth is silly. Why does Duncan not want this discussed?


I was being sarcastic. Paul May is kind of like a David Von Pein, except he is even more irrational than Von Pein. If that is possible. Many people thought it was not.

But the first two points you brought up here are fine with me. The idea that Finck did not think the SBT was possible, or the hole in the back of JFK's head. They definitely sink the WC.

And the WC knew it.

I know you were being sarcastic Jim as I have read many comments about you and the fine work you have done over the years, and of course I KNOW Paul May since my ACJ days. There is NO way I would think you really thought those things of Paul May given what I know about the person.

Thanks for your comments.

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