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Statements That Sink The WC's Conclusions -- #1
The Warren Commission (WC) claimed President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was killed by only one person firing from the rear of the limousine on 11/22/63, but as we have seen in the first two posts in this series their claim of how this was done is not valid. The Single Bullet Theory (SBT) does NOT hold up nor is there any evidence to show it really happened. What we find in the twenty-six volumes of evidence are many things that show it did NOT happen.

The statements contained in this post are in regards to the SBT, and once again, you will see this theory is NOT even remotely possible!


The WC relied heavily on one source for their conclusion and that was the [B]FBI Summary Report, which was quickly finished shortly after the assassination. The Report summarized the FBI's findings before January 1964 and showed the following statement on December 9, 1963, in regards to the autopsy findings:[/B]

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Medical examination of the President's body revealed that one of the bullets had entered just below his shoulder to the right of the spinal column at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees downward, that there was NO point of exit, and that the bullet was NOT in the body." (Commission Document 1 p. 18)

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On January 13, 1964, an [B]FBI Supplemental Report
stated, in part:[/B]

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Medical examination of the President's body had revealed that the bullet which entered his BACK had penetrated to a distance of less than a finger length." (Commission Document 107 p. 2)

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How would this vital information play into the WC's "investigation?" It wouldn't as it conflicted with the official conclusion of Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) commiting the crime all by himself so it was disregarded. Thus, despite using the FBI's Report extensively to reach their conclusion the WC ignored the findings of the FBI in this key area and claimed a single bullet hit both JFK and Governor John B. Connally (JBC). The FBI never supported the SBT in the least as they claimed all three bullets hit either JFK or JBC. In fact, on page 1 of their Summary Report the following is written.

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As the motorcade was traveling through downtown Dallas on Elm Street about fifty yards west of the intersection with Houston Street (Exhibit 1), three shots rang out. TWO bullets STRUCK President Kennedy, and ONE WOUNDED Governor Connally. (FBI Summary Report, p. 1) (Emphasis added)

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The following is a brief summary of key points from James Sibert's deposition to the ARRB. Sibert is a former FBI agent who witnessed the unloading of the body from the casket and who witnessed the autopsy from a distance of a few feet.

* Sibert said he doubted the single-bullet theory (SBT) because the back wound was just too low on the back for it to be possible. (Deposition of James W. Sibert to ARRB, September 11, 1997, pp. 161-162). He added that another reason he doubted the SBT was what he saw when the pathologists probed the back wound (Deposition, p. 162).

* Sibert unequivocally placed the back wound below the scapula, i.e., below the top of the shoulder blade (Deposition, pp. 74-75, 114, 161-162).

* Sibert said the autopsy pathologists determined that the back wound had no point of exit. (Deposition, pp. 110-112, 118-119).

* Sibert said that the placement of the back wound below the scapula was both what he saw and that it was "the first location that Humes gave us," i.e., that that was the location Humes gave for the wound during the autopsy. (Deposition, pp. 161-162). (It should be noted that that location agrees with the location given for the wound on the autopsy face sheet.)

* Sibert noted that the back wound location's matched the holes in the back of the president's shirt and coat, and he rejected the theory that the shirt and coat bunched-up high enough to account for the location of the clothing holes, observing that the shirt would not have moved markedly even if Kennedy had raised his arm and that the president's back brace would have helped to hold the shirt in place (Deposition, p. 162).

The FBI further provided firm proof that the alleged "magic bullet" was NOT the one found at PH in 6/64 when the WC asked the FBI to establish the authenticity of CE399 and they were unable to, stating "they were unable to make a positive identification of the stretcher bullet (CE399) as the bullet FOUND on the day of the assassination."

Finally, we see that even WC member John McCloy did NOT believe CE-399 was the bullet found at Parkland Hospital!

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McCloy also questioned the Commission's account of a bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital, where Kennedy and Connally were taken after being shot. "The statement concerning the bullet which was found on the stretcher is not particularly persuasive because there is no indication that the 'stretcher bullet' was in fact the bullet which caused the [Connally] wrist wound," he wrote.

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Once again, we see the WC's conclusion is sunk by the evidence in this case.

Messages In This Thread
Statements That Sink The WC's Conclusions -- #1 - by Rob Caprio - 05-08-2013, 05:40 PM

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