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Statements That Sink The WC's Conclusions -- #1
The Warren Commission (WC) said Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) acted alone in shooting and killing President John F. Kennedy (JFK) and wounding Governor John B. Connally (JBC). If this were so we would NOT have seen the statements and evidence we have seen in posts #35, #59, #107, #142, #143, #148, #167, Ruby's call to a friend saying "fireworks" would be happening in Dealey Plaza (DP) soon, and the comments made by Joseph Milteer to name some. There would be NO conjecture over whether the throat wound was one of entrance or exit either.

In this post we will see more statements that do NOT rule LHO out as a shooter (the evidence does that), but shows early on there was a belief that he had some help, but that these avenues were never really explored, let alone investigated.


In Commission Exhibit (CE) 2147, a press conference Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry held on Sunday, November 24, 1963, on page 771 we see the following exchange between Curry and the media.

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Q. Is there no doubt now [after LHO was shot] that nobody else is involved as an accomplice?

Curry. I would NOT make that statement.

Q. Do you have any possible---?

Curry. I wouldn't comment on it because I would certainly hate to say we're convinced that nobody else is involved and then have somebody else involved.

Q. Have you talked with anybody besides this fellow Molina who might conceivably have a role---?

Curry. I don't want to comment on that. (Emphasis added)

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Who were the other people they were considering? Why was this not mentioned by the Dallas Police Department (DPD), the District Attorney's Office (DA) or the WC? All we have to go on is the slim record of Molina and Wesley Frazier who was given a stress test. It would have been nice to know who else was being considered. Keep in mind, this was after the killing of LHO and way past the point of President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) calling and saying no one else was involved (see #34).

We get some more information concerning this in Henry Wade's WC testimony.

Senator COOPER. But leave Ruby out now for a moment, did anyone ever tell you that Oswald was connected with persons other than Ruby in the assassination of President Kennedy?

Have you heard the names of any other persons who it is claimed had something to do with the assassination of President Kennedy?

Mr. WADE. I don't know of any names. Of course, like I said there was the head of the Fair Play for Cuba, whatever his name was, was mentioned. Everything I know on that score was from the police. When I went up there Friday night and again I believe it was Saturday night or Sunday, they told me that they just talked like he was the biggest Communist, they had all kinds of evidence that he was a Communist, and that he was working with other people.

As we have seen in several posts in this series there was NOT an ounce of evidence that showed LHO was a Communist or a member of the Communist party (see #56, #57, #94, question 3, etc…), so why were they so fast to brandish him as being one? Notice Wade mentions the "head of the Fair Play for Cuba" and we all know this was A. Hidell. LHO said he was contacted by A. Hidell and given assignments and Wade is acting like it was NOT LHO using an alias too. Why did the WC not find it odd that he did NOT know the names of those they were considering beyond LHO or find someone who did know the names?

Senator COOPER. Of course, once Oswald was killed, then your duties were connected with the prosecution of Ruby.

Mr. WADE. Yes, sir.

Senator COOPER. And there wasn't any occasion for you then to search out----

Mr. WADE. I had this, Senator.

Senator COOPER. Other persons.

Mr. WADE. I had this, Senator, I had this, when he was killed and they tried to give me the files, I told them no, to give them to the FBI because we couldn't try him, and I went to work on Ruby and actually wouldn't know it.

From what I picked up it appeared to me there was no question that he received his inspiration on this and maybe other help from somewhere.

Here Wade is saying he had NO doubt LHO received inspiration and possibly assistance in his alleged killing of JFK. So again, why do we NOT know who this inspiration and possible help came from?

Senator COOPER. That is what I am driving at here. You know there have been statements made that other persons could have been connected with Oswald in the assassination of President Kennedy.

Do you have any facts to give the Commission which would bear upon that question that any person other than Oswald was in any way connected with the assassination of President Kennedy?

Mr. WADE. I have no facts that I can give you on it. It is one of these things, and the reason I gave you what my opinion on the thing was, I have read what the U.S. World News and Report said the Commission is going to say, and also this deal out in Japan, you know, where they said that he was not instantaneous, impulsive, I believe, killer of the President, which sounded silly to me.

I mean he planned the thing. He practiced shooting, and he had his inspiration from somebody else.

As we have seen in previous posts there is NO evidence LHO ever practiced with a rifle (#64, #155 & #157), let alone the alleged murder weapon, so what is Wade basing his comment on? There is also NO evidence that LHO "planned the thing" either as we have seen in numerous posts in this series as the WC failed totally in showing this was a premeditated act. Again, what is Wade using to base these comments on?

Notice he says again he got his INSPIRATION FROM SOMEONE ELSE, but who?

Mr. WADE. Whether he had a--was working with someone, I don't know. I never did know, it was rumored all over town that they had an airplane there to carry him out of town. I am sure you all have checked into that but I never know whether they did or not.

There seemed to have been something misfired in the thing if there was anybody tried to get it. I don't think there was anybody with him in the shooting but what you are getting at is if there was anyone back of him.

I always felt that the minimum was an inspiration from some cause, and the maximum was actual pay, but like you asked for evidence, I don't have any.

Why is he "wondering" about all of this when he could have had the DPD investigate these issues? Ditto the WC? Shouldn't we, the American people, know about these possibilities and know that our law enforcement agencies investigated them fully instead of "wondering" about them? I would think so, but we are left with "wondering" instead. How can he have NO evidence to present one way or the other IF they investigated these possibilities?

To me these comments again show there is more to the story than what the WC concluded (LHO acted all by himself with no help) and create REASONABLE DOUBT. It also shows once more that the evidence in the twenty-six volumes does NOT support the claims in the Report and in fact sink their conclusion.

Messages In This Thread
Statements That Sink The WC's Conclusions -- #1 - by Rob Caprio - 05-08-2013, 08:04 PM

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