13-08-2013, 10:21 PM
Steve Minnerly Wrote:Karl Kinaski Wrote:Intelligent men, like Chomsky, are barefaced lairs, whenever they play the lone nut card.
Its hard to not come to that conclusion Karl.
How could he write a sophisticated analysis of the Spanish civil war when he was 12 years old that still amazes people today, and be so ignorant of the Kennedy assassination.
One cannot overstate just how god owful the Chomper is on all the JFK stuff. I recently began going back over it to see if there was one true thing he typed. Am still reviewing it, so far nothing. But even I was shocked at just how insane some of the stuff is. In his 2010 book he actually implies that Allen Dulles was more mellow about Cuba than JFK!! And above all, there is no mention of any possible hint of CIA being on their own, doing stuff independent of Kennedy.
The stuff is so diametrically opposed to reality, and there are so incredibly many times where Chomsky is going along talking about subject A b or c and takes a break to make some insipid comparison to something that happened "in the Kennedy Administration' It is becoming increasingly difficult -- given the incredible sample size of his JFK bashing and the worse than wonder nutritional value of each morsal, that he is not another example of an Encounter Magazine "left?????" guard-rail for containment purposes. That's why when critiquing him it is always imperative NOT to associate him with "the left" per se. That only plays right into the psy op strategy being used.
You know what stands out above all else? His contempt for history. I mean he will be yammering along with some typically great stuff about Bush and how the Democrats bent over and allowed everything when all of a sudden you are in Chomsky's Conflationist Democratville and Chomsky is comparing Bush or Hillary to something JFK alegedly did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Trouble is Chomsky is just brain-dead wrong. and there IS ABSOLUTELY NO HISTORICAL CONTEXT. The "unifying element" to this idea of a Chomskyparagraph is, it would seem, that "all democrats have always been the same and yes boys and girls , I am making the assassinations of the Kennedys the litmus test for being a good leftist"
Chomsky is about as anarchist as Sam Halperin.