18-08-2013, 02:32 PM
Mitchel, before rejecting out of hand the possibility that Guru Chomsky-- strangely symbiotic nemesis of the New York Times-- might be a gatekeeper please consider the following variables.
1) What is the sample size of the Chomsky writhings about JFK?
2) How many times does Chomsky land in his favorite Fiji refueling stop-- bashing JFK-- when on longer flights that have nothing to do with JFK
3) Just how many incredibly huge narrative shifting mistakes does Chomsky make in his historical-context stripped JFK tantrums. Consider the 6 mini-page section in 2010s Hopes and Prospects for example. Go ahead look at it. Look at the absolutely incredible things he says there e.g. Dulles less aggressive than JFK on Cuba, JFK responsible for Northwoods and 6 other whoppers just as mind-fucked... look at them them and then recall the 1) the huge sample size of this brain sewage then consider
4) the historically documented fact of Left-gatekeeping e.g. Encounter Magazine, the New York Review of Books. Plenty of great sources on tthis including by Frances Saunders, Hugh Wilford, Brett Gary.
Left Gatekeeping. > thanks for the barricades!!!
1) What is the sample size of the Chomsky writhings about JFK?
2) How many times does Chomsky land in his favorite Fiji refueling stop-- bashing JFK-- when on longer flights that have nothing to do with JFK
3) Just how many incredibly huge narrative shifting mistakes does Chomsky make in his historical-context stripped JFK tantrums. Consider the 6 mini-page section in 2010s Hopes and Prospects for example. Go ahead look at it. Look at the absolutely incredible things he says there e.g. Dulles less aggressive than JFK on Cuba, JFK responsible for Northwoods and 6 other whoppers just as mind-fucked... look at them them and then recall the 1) the huge sample size of this brain sewage then consider
4) the historically documented fact of Left-gatekeeping e.g. Encounter Magazine, the New York Review of Books. Plenty of great sources on tthis including by Frances Saunders, Hugh Wilford, Brett Gary.
Left Gatekeeping. > thanks for the barricades!!!