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DEEP politics, Pfisterers, Stripling and 11/23/63
As one reads the FBI's report of Dec 9th 1964 one is struck by the mass of detail pertaining to the accused assassin's Elementary, Junior and Senior High School Years...

Were ALL assassins treated to this same level of in-depth concern over where they worked, lived and went to school 5 and 10 YEARS prior?

Do we know where James Earl Ray went to Elementary School, where he worked when he was 15-17 years old, this is what the FBI tells us:

James Earl Ray, born 1928 , raised under difficult circumstances. His parents were poor,
uneducated and generally resided in areas surrounded by
criminal activity. Ray did not achieve a high school
education, nor did he attend any vocational institution

Whereas the FBI felt it VITAL to have LHO's history, regardless of whether it would have a bearing on solving the case... while ignoring virtually every other type of lead available

B. After Assassination of President Kennedy
Early Years
1. Elementary School Period
2. Junior High School Period
a. Psychiatric Analysis in New York
b. Return to New Orleans
3. High School Period

On NOV 23, 1963 - SATURDAY MORNING - FBI agents showed up at Pfisterers in New Orleans... and at Stripling Jr High in Ft Worth.

At Pfisterers they interviewed a number of employees about OSWALD and when he worked at Pfisterers. (1955? 56? 57? 58?)

With all the activity surrounding NOLA within the 12 months prior to the assassination, the FBI's FOCUS that weekend was
Where did the accused killer work when he was 16 ?

If Oswald attended STRIPLING JR HIGH in Ft Worth in the FALL of 1954... he could not also attend Beauregard Junior High School in NOLA at the same time.
Frank Kudlaty, asst principal SJHS, tells us he gave a very strange file on OSWALD to the FBI that day.... it only had 7-11 weeks of info, no transcripts from Ridglea (elementary school) and no notes as to where the records went next as is standard.... the FBI's focus was to attain the school records of one LEE HARVEY OSWALD from a school he could not have attended.... within 48 hours of the killing.


1) Unless Hoover is aware of the detailed history of both LEE and HARVEY - how does he know to send agents to secure ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS and take statements and
2) Why are these records and these years so VITAL TO THE FBI within this 48 hour period as they try to solve the crime?

One may suggest that knowledge of H&L (and the program that created them) at the highest levels of Intelligence, and that the CIA/FBI/etc were capable of creating such a hybrid "spy", was VITAL FOR THE FBI TO CONCEAL, especially if this "spy" (HARVEY) was actually operating as an asset of the FBI against Communism.

HOOVER would not be embarassed while the CIA/ONI/MI pushed and pulled the levers... that Hoover almost believed Mexico City was one of his greatest embarassments...

If LEE was involved with Ruby, Shaw, Ferrie, etc... in setting HARVEY up... it simply could NEVER be known...

As I carefully study the evidence found and presented by JA in his book, his CD and the over 2100 file boxes at Baylor... I come to realize that little if anything related to LHO's history - as told by the FBI - is authentic... in fact it is as inauthentic as CE399, the autopsy report and the medical evidence....

The DEEPEST of politics is discovering which stick hovered over the heads of key players to keep them in check... if the CIA, FBI and ONI are collaborating on H&L programs... much like the attempts on Castro... the information could NEVER see the light of day and may be the white elephant that explains so much of the FBI's activities.

H&L must be seen in the same context as our understanding of the conspiracy... a FACT. Once this is understood, the "evidence" finally offers some understanding of the breadth of the conspiracy and the reasons behind it.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
DEEP politics, Pfisterers, Stripling and 11/23/63 - by David Josephs - 10-10-2013, 10:04 PM

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