26-10-2013, 02:04 AM
Marlene Zenker Wrote:Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:There's nothing wrong with asking. But to ask in a vacuum, one at a time, when the pols and media KNOW that it's one at a time is like petitioning the lord with prayer. We have all the evidence.
The Great Change in the Cable and Internet environment is the ability to create an illusion of free speech, but to mummify, silo, and muffler the truly "dangerous" (to the War-State System) speech by preventing areas of connection on the internet, between mediums, and between lifestyles political identity groups that have been created in our new, anything- goes- but- only- a few- things- spread media environment.
We have to get ENOUGH people asking. Once the JFK movie did that, but that movie will never be allowed again, and the media environment would moat it much more effectively if, by chance, another film like it came out.
The simple fact is that people are immensely interested in the assassination, and particularly its media aspects which shed so much light on our now. The simple fact is that it is only very rarely that we create opportunities for more folks to stumble upon the truth and its bountiful sources such as this site, CTKA and Black Op Radio.
Cut, Paste Copy. It works.
Recently on JFKfacts Jefferson Morley posted the most frequently viewed articles . I was not surprised by them.
When you take 10 minutes to post an article "around on say 50 sites. it creates a MULTIPLIER EFFECT.....Minus us creating those, we are like the POWs digging the man made tunnels into natural sea-caves of the Philippines: we are sealing ourselves in, ensuring that the treasure will die when we do, and remain for story tellers at the Washington Post to play with. Cut. Paste, Copy, Ohmmmmmalready. -- Guru Nate.
Everyone, I am as of tonight going to make the iPhone/iPad app free as well as the Android version that Al Rossi is working on. Will you help me promote it, really promote it? I seriously cannot think of anything that has a better chance to go viral and get into the most hands possible then an app. Here is the link to the iTunes Store it should be free within an hour or so as Apple's servers promulgate it across the world.
Magda, et al - is it ok if I make this a separate thread as well as part of this thread?