31-10-2013, 02:05 PM
To add Phil, Castro was secretly interviewed by the Warren Commission as the records come out. Does that lead to Ultimate Sacrifice (C-Day) being true with Kennedy? or False? the Cubans being involved in the assassination (Dark complexion man, David Morales, etc.)?
Charles Drago Wrote:Resolved: The sponsors of the JFK assassination never intended to permit a post-Dallas retaliatory invasion of Cuba; rather, they planted false evidence to support a plausible connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Fidel Castro's government solely in order to promote fears of an American-Soviet nuclear exchange should an honest investigation of the muder be conducted. Resolved: The capture of a living, talking LHO -- as opposed to the display of a shot-while-trying-to-escape assassin's corpse or the presentation of "evidence" for LHO's successful flight to Cuba -- was insufficient to derail plans for a Cuban invasion, which in fact never existed except as the central element of the cover-up and in the fevered imaginations of certain anti-Castro, Right Wing, military, and intel false sponsors/facilitators. Resolved: Cuba was in 1963 -- and remains today -- most valuable to the sponsors of JFK's murder as a hemispheric Communist bogeyman. Have at it.