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Venezuela: WikiLeaks confirms US plans

Evidence is a destabilization plan against Venezuela

Posted: November 5th, 2013 | 17:01 GMT

[URL=""]Eva Golinger
lawyer and writer


In recent months, the Venezuelan government, led by President Nicolas Maduro has reported many incidents of sabotage of the electrical system with a sustained campaign to subvert the nation's economy. A media most internationally well as private media in Venezuela, made ​​fun of the serious allegations by Venezuelan President, and instead have tried to blame the Government for any damage caused to the country. However, an internal document of three organizations in Colombia and the United States reveals a sinister plan against the Venezuelan State to provoke violence-even killed-with the intent to justify international intervention before the municipal elections of December 8. The document , entitled 'Strategic Plan Venezuelan', was prepared by the Democratic Internationalism Foundation of Colombian president Alvaro Uribe Velez, along with First Thought Center Foundation Colombia and the U.S. firm of consultants FTI Consulting . His time of writing was the June 13, 2013, during a meeting between representatives of these three organizations, leaders of the Venezuelan opposition, as Maria Corina Machado, Julio Borges and Ramón Guillermo Avelado, psychological warfare expert, JJ Rendon, and in charge of the Agency for International Development (USAID) for Latin America, Mark Feierstein. strategic plan to destabilize Venezuela has the primary purpose of weakening the Government as part of the municipal elections of December 8, such as articulated in the text: "The objectives in this plan essentially fall into the municipal scheduled for December 8 at the same time including accelerated wear gradual easing the government's supreme triumph of the opposition to this event. " They add: "but if it was before, much better." This document also details the strategy to sabotage the electrical system in Venezuela in order to hold the Government of the weaknesses of the country's infrastructure and thereby project an image of crisis of Venezuela internationally. As part of the plan, the authors propose to "maintain and increase sabotage affecting services to the population, particularly to the electrical system, allowing government to blame the alleged inefficiency and negligence". Since then, blackouts and other power outages have affected different regions throughout Venezuela, causing great discontent, and resulting in a negative perception of government. Recently, Venezuelan authorities arrested several people involved in sabotage the electrical system and in late September, President Maduro expelled three officials from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas for his alleged role in the destabilization plans. In the section entitled "Actions "the authors of the document detailing your next steps to destabilize the Venezuelan government. In addition to "perfect the complainant confrontational discourse and Henrique Capriles" presidential candidate defeated by Maduro, refer to "generate excitement with short messages but they reach more people, which resume social problems, causing social unrest. Increase problems with shortages of basic food basket. " In recent months, Venezuela has experienced problems of shortages of basic goods such as toilet paper, sugar, milk, oil, butter and flour, among others. Venezuelan authorities have seized tons of these products in stores belonging to businessmen associated with the opposition. They have also seized large quantities of these products at the border with Colombia, where they are sold as contraband. According to the document, "The 'Venezuelan Strategic Plan', agreed with worthy representatives of the opposition to the government of Nicolas Maduro, focuses on these goals with the continued strong support of several global personalities function to be returned to Venezuela true democracy and independence have been kidnapped for over 14 years. " During the 14 years of democratic administration of President Hugo Chavez threats his Government abounded and destabilization plans never ended. After the failure of the coup against him in 2002, which was organized and supported from the U.S. government, there were numerous attempts to overthrow him through economic sabotage, electoral intervention, assassination attempts, psychological warfare, the billionaire funding opposition forces from outside and international isolation plan that ultimately failed. One of the visible faces of the attempts to destabilize the Chavez government was the former President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe Velez. The Colombian former president ended his presidency in 2010 calling for international intervention in Venezuela with the intention of destroying President Chavez and his Bolivarian Revolution. Uribe he spent the years following defaming President Chavez and his government and to strengthen ties with anti-Chávez sectors inside and outside Venezuela. The death of President Chavez in March 2013 did not prevent Uribe continue their actions against Venezuela. With the election of Nicolas Maduro to the presidency and the continuation of the process begun by socialist Chavez, Uribe continued with his plans to attack Venezuela. now this internal document, the product of a meeting of right-wing sectors of Colombia and Venezuela, along with U.S. government representatives, demonstrates the ongoing destabilization plans against the Government of Maduro. As part of this dangerous plot against Venezuela, the authors propose to "create crisis in the streets to facilitate U.S. intervention and NATO forces, with the support of the Government of Colombia. Whenever possible, should provoke violence killed or injured ". Venezuelans, opposition representatives, are working together with external forces to cause the death of innocent citizens in their own country with the intention of promoting a military invasion of their nation. This represents a serious threat-and-a vile crime against the sovereignty of Venezuela. Finally, besides promoting the momentum of an international campaign to marginalize, delegitimize and discredit the Maduro government through media and spokesmen of the right The document recommends "a military insurrection" against "Venezuelan". They propose "contact groups active military and retirement status to expand the campaign to play down the Government prestige within the Armed Forces. (...) It is vital to prepare the military for from a scenario crises and social unrest spearhead the insurrection against the government, or at least to support foreign intervention or civil uprising. " This document evidence and confirms the truth-and severity-of the allegations made ​​by President Nicolas Maduro. Venezuela is under attack, as it has been for the past 14 years since the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution and the rescue of the sovereignty, independence and dignity of the country. Do not forget that Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. The powerful interests that want to control these rich resources will not stop until achieving your goal.

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