17-11-2013, 03:04 PM
"Warren asked about C.I.A. did they have anything' When I told of Mexico & Nicaragua NOT mentioning sums...He mention 5G as McCone had told me. He knew all I did & more about CIA. Something strange is happening. W. & Katenbach (Katzenbach) know all about F.B.I. and they are apparently through (an undecipherable word, perhaps psychologists') & others planning to show Oswald only one who even considered This to me is untenable position I must insist on outside counsel. Remember Warren's blanket indictment of South.'"
Actually, that's not new. Don't remember where I first read it, but Harold Weisberg was quite friendly with Russell (because of mutual interest in the assassination, not because of shared political views) and I'm pretty sure he mentioned that note in one of his books. I think McKnight mentions it too.
Thing is, Russell leaned toward the "Castro did it" theory, like police chief Jesse Curry and other Southerners who doubted the official story.
Actually, that's not new. Don't remember where I first read it, but Harold Weisberg was quite friendly with Russell (because of mutual interest in the assassination, not because of shared political views) and I'm pretty sure he mentioned that note in one of his books. I think McKnight mentions it too.
Thing is, Russell leaned toward the "Castro did it" theory, like police chief Jesse Curry and other Southerners who doubted the official story.