01-12-2013, 10:06 PM
Donald Manning Wrote:As far as I'm concerned Dr.Rose, played a huge role in this case and as his legacy was for the most part glossed over by the mainstream media these past few weeks, I'd like to pay my respects here.
TV land only wants to re-enact how it must of been for "poor Jackie" with this vulgar man hindering her and her boys from doing their job and there's never much more than a half hearted attempt to stop them, a brief affair that typically ends with Rose wilting at the first sight of Kellerman's sidearm.
I'm sure many of you have wondered about Jackie, I mean we all know she was hurting but we don't need to be reminded when it's beside the point. There is no excuse for the theft of a corpse for no good reason, Rose will always be in the right on this issue and as the years roll by this only becomes clearer.
A theft of a body so the widow will follow, that's all it is, that's the official explaination which they dare not repeat on air, not one single "documentary" or "reenactment" explained this.
Not only was there no good reason for this historic farce since it ended up putting far more stress on Jackie than if she had waited an hour(Rose said he told them he needed just 45mins), it also sowed a huge seed of doubt, hindering us and those yet to come with tainted evidence that can never be fully trusted. Yes and I am very sorry but I just don't trust it, or them, very much at all.
Believed or not, history records that it was Johnson's request that got things moving here and his reasons were purely selfish.
"I'm not leaving without her" is all you get from "Parkland" but that's more than most.
The majority don't even cover the LBJ angle and even those that allude to him never correctly explain LBJ's motivation.
So those are a few things that strike me as important and totally glossed over by the TV lightweights.
- The reason's behind the theft and why it's left out of a detailed explaination of events.
- Rose, the man that would not budge for close to an hour(in which time he could of performed a competant but brisk autopsy).
- How this gross act which on it's very face was dispicable behaviour from so called friends has ruined confidence in the most important pieces of evidence(the body, the clothing , the limo and anything "found in it" by the Parkland burglars).
The K.A. 24 Hours After. (Full version is on YT.)
This is the most detailed version of these events as I've seen(by who I find the most annoying group of individuals) and yet and yet... Rose isn't even mentioned by name and I've checked twice they dont explain why the body was moved, nothing(work that one out).
"The plan was... to fly back to DC.." with the body.
Who's plan and where's the logic? Who's giving the order and who's putting it in motion?
Refers to quotes from Powers and O'Donnell in the "Manchester Papers" anyone here read those yet?
"Earl done good"
Thankfully, there is a least a little respect paid to Earl and historians here at least those who know this whole episode was a complete mistake in all respects with zero logic behind it(again, IF the the official version is to be believed, I'm leaving room)
I'll be back later with a compilation of the others I found.
I also believe this stand off did not end in the manner which is often told(the O'Donnell version)
Rose himself said he stepped aside but only when he could do no more and peacefully, when a condition was met, he made a deal and kept to his word.
A legend I say.
I think Earl Rose is a hero. I think the Johnson "mastermind" angle you are peddling is utter horse crap. Indeed, the DPF is probably the last place any fan of Jim Fetzer and Phil Nelson would like to hangout.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992