04-12-2013, 10:09 AM
In the mean time, here's what I believe to be an illuminating passage from pages 371 to 374 of Vincent DiMaio's textbook, Gunshot Wounds [second edition]:
Suicides Due to Handguns
The location of the self-inflicted wound varies depending on the type ofthe weapon, the sex of the victim, and whether the victim is right-or left-handed. In individuals who shoot themselves with handguns, the most common sites for the entrance wound are the head (81%), thechest (17%), and the abdomen (2%), in that order. There is some difference by sex in that a smaller percentage of women (72%) shoot themselves in the head than do men (83.5%).
When individuals shoot themselves, they do not necessarily hold the weapon the same way they would if they were firing the weapon at a target.Commonly, they will hold a handgun with the fingers wrapped around the back of the butt, using the thumb to depress the trigger, firing the weapon. In gunshot wounds under the chin, they may hold the weapon "correctly", but bend their forearm upwards and backwards such that the gun is upside down when they fire it.
Some individuals will steady a gun against the body, by grasping the barrel with the non-firing hand. In the case of contact wounds of the head, and less commonly the trunk, soot may be deposited on the thumb, index finger, and connecting web of skin of the steadying hand due to blowback of gases from the muzzle. In the case of a revolver, soot may be deposited on the palm from cylinder gap. The location of the soot on the palm is influenced by the barrel length and where the gun is held. With two-inch barrel weapons, the soot is in the midpalm; with four-inch barrels, toward the ulnar aspect of the palm. In rare instances, the blast of gases from the cylinder gap is so strong as to lacerate the skin of the palm. In two cases seen by the author, the individual committing suicide wore a glove on the hand used to grasp the cylinder, apparently so as not to burn their hand. Even if there is no visible powder or soot deposition on the hand, analysis for primer residues is often positive.
Occasionally, an individual steadying the barrel with their non-firing hand, inadvertently places part of the hand over the muzzle. This has lead to individuals shooting themself through the hand. In one case, the muzzle was held tightly against the palm of the hand, which was against the forehead. On discharge, the emerging hot gases, soot and powder perforated the palm producing a wound of the forehead that had all the characteristics of a primary contact wound.
In the head, the most common site for a handgun entrance wound is the temple. Although most right-handed individuals shoot themselves in the right temple and left-handed individuals in the left temple, this pattern is not absolute. In a study by Stone of 125 right-handed individuals whoshot themselves in the temple, seven (5.6%) shot themselves in the left temple.
With handguns, after the temple, the most common sites in the head, indecreasing order of occurrence, are the mouth, the underside of the chin, and the forehead. There are people, however, who will be different and shoot themselves on the top of the head, in the ear, in the eye, etc. The author has seen a number of unquestionable cases of suicide in which individuals have shot themselves in the back of the head. These have occurred not only with handguns but also with rifles and shotguns. In another unusual case, the entrance wound was on the side of the chest, in the mid-axillary line. Thus, the fact that a wound is in an unusual location does not necessarily mean that it cannot be self-inflicted, though it is wise to always start with the presumption that such a case is a homicide.
Suicides Due to Handguns
The location of the self-inflicted wound varies depending on the type ofthe weapon, the sex of the victim, and whether the victim is right-or left-handed. In individuals who shoot themselves with handguns, the most common sites for the entrance wound are the head (81%), thechest (17%), and the abdomen (2%), in that order. There is some difference by sex in that a smaller percentage of women (72%) shoot themselves in the head than do men (83.5%).
When individuals shoot themselves, they do not necessarily hold the weapon the same way they would if they were firing the weapon at a target.Commonly, they will hold a handgun with the fingers wrapped around the back of the butt, using the thumb to depress the trigger, firing the weapon. In gunshot wounds under the chin, they may hold the weapon "correctly", but bend their forearm upwards and backwards such that the gun is upside down when they fire it.
Some individuals will steady a gun against the body, by grasping the barrel with the non-firing hand. In the case of contact wounds of the head, and less commonly the trunk, soot may be deposited on the thumb, index finger, and connecting web of skin of the steadying hand due to blowback of gases from the muzzle. In the case of a revolver, soot may be deposited on the palm from cylinder gap. The location of the soot on the palm is influenced by the barrel length and where the gun is held. With two-inch barrel weapons, the soot is in the midpalm; with four-inch barrels, toward the ulnar aspect of the palm. In rare instances, the blast of gases from the cylinder gap is so strong as to lacerate the skin of the palm. In two cases seen by the author, the individual committing suicide wore a glove on the hand used to grasp the cylinder, apparently so as not to burn their hand. Even if there is no visible powder or soot deposition on the hand, analysis for primer residues is often positive.
Occasionally, an individual steadying the barrel with their non-firing hand, inadvertently places part of the hand over the muzzle. This has lead to individuals shooting themself through the hand. In one case, the muzzle was held tightly against the palm of the hand, which was against the forehead. On discharge, the emerging hot gases, soot and powder perforated the palm producing a wound of the forehead that had all the characteristics of a primary contact wound.
In the head, the most common site for a handgun entrance wound is the temple. Although most right-handed individuals shoot themselves in the right temple and left-handed individuals in the left temple, this pattern is not absolute. In a study by Stone of 125 right-handed individuals whoshot themselves in the temple, seven (5.6%) shot themselves in the left temple.
With handguns, after the temple, the most common sites in the head, indecreasing order of occurrence, are the mouth, the underside of the chin, and the forehead. There are people, however, who will be different and shoot themselves on the top of the head, in the ear, in the eye, etc. The author has seen a number of unquestionable cases of suicide in which individuals have shot themselves in the back of the head. These have occurred not only with handguns but also with rifles and shotguns. In another unusual case, the entrance wound was on the side of the chest, in the mid-axillary line. Thus, the fact that a wound is in an unusual location does not necessarily mean that it cannot be self-inflicted, though it is wise to always start with the presumption that such a case is a homicide.