25-06-2009, 12:36 PM
The T-S Gordon deposition is some 3 years old now but newly interesting in light of the Sonnenfeld stuff starting to make waves. Gordon is pretty firmly in the 'No Planes' camp, per this on his site index page:
Looked at that way, the 'No-Planes' theories of Nico and 'The Web Fairy' are less fantastic than at first blush. Which is NOT to say I subscribe to them; just that I've leaned not to dismiss ANYTHING out of hand without very solid reason.
IOW - The 'no-planes' theory has more credibility as part of a potential explanation of observed events than the Kean Hamilton Report - which just goes to illustrate what an absolute load of unadulterated garbage that report is.
Quote: Last week, "le clever trick" brought us 20,k Google reference-markers. Tom-Scott said later that he recognizes the feds will kill him, like the DC Madam, if he continues to fight these agents that are tracking his nemisis, Kurt Sonnenfeld, who may or may not be in Argentina. They know that Tom- Scott gets over 4,000 hits a month with one of the only true stories leading up to the 9/11 massacre. So, why are Wikipedia, Alex Jones and 9/11 Blogger scared to death to comment on his story? Who's behind the current, 2008 spike in disinformation, while several State Senators are coming forward? ..Finally, why is it that 'No Planes,' has received more attention than ANY other 9/11 issue? It still most closely matches the realities of the cartoon-outline hits on the Towers. And all it takes to demand a "Treason Trial" is proving that it wasn't the same planes they originally said had flown that day, when the FAA's own records disprove it! The rest of this global War charade is sure making the average American Joe-six-pack look like a real idiot. Can't people see they are sure to suffer badly when the dollar collapses, as there is no local food supply for the average bankrupt middle-class American city? But, hey you fuckwits, I'm not going anywhere. No, I'm not going anywhere...*This site reviewer has sent over 1 Million curiousity seekers to Webfairy and Nico's sites!* (Next week, we'll be promoting Austin's top female blues artists instead.- LOL!)No judgement on my part intended here. My own position on 911 is still very fluid. I long ago concluded that the Kean/Hamilton report was unsubtle and not very clever fiction, which left LIHOP and MIHOP. I have moved steadily towards the MIHOP camp ever since. Assuming that MIHOP IS correct, that just leaves how such an event could/would have been planned and executed.
Looked at that way, the 'No-Planes' theories of Nico and 'The Web Fairy' are less fantastic than at first blush. Which is NOT to say I subscribe to them; just that I've leaned not to dismiss ANYTHING out of hand without very solid reason.
IOW - The 'no-planes' theory has more credibility as part of a potential explanation of observed events than the Kean Hamilton Report - which just goes to illustrate what an absolute load of unadulterated garbage that report is.
Peter Presland
".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn
".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn