03-03-2014, 09:44 PM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:OK, Dawn, this caught my eye:
Quote:Understanding that there were two distinct LHOs in this case is, to me, as important as the understanding of just why JFK was assassinated and how it connects to the fascism of today.
Not arguing. My thinking is that most current JFK research doesn't change anything -- not really. How do you see the H&L theory as a game changer?
Hi Lauren... hopefully Dawn will not mind my stepping in here.
"most current JFK research doesn't change anything" - related to H&L or all of it in general Lauren?
The understanding and finally our community's acceptance of the H&L "play" first not having a thing to do with the assassination, of course, and then the switch or realization at some point to including Oswald, like Webster, Vallee and whoever the Tampa patsy in an assassination set-up, would have been is imo key to understanding the timeline and facilitating players...
From my thinking it makes little sense to "show one's hand" ala Tampa and Chicago unless the fix was in very, very early... an innocent SS, given what happened in Chicago, would have NEVER behaved as they did in Dallas
None of the warning bells for Dallas went off... The PRS did not even mention Chicago threats who might hop a train and be in Dallas... it was completely ignored while Abe Bolden is viscously attacked for opening his mouth.
Yet the FBI reports in the WCDs from Chicago stumble over themselves to distance Oswald from Vallee and Valle from the actuall shooting team.
Add now the Hoover must have been aware given his initial CYA reactions... it is said that Hoover and Angleton often shared info and resources.... while it is also said that Angleton had the infamous Mafia blackmail photos of Hoover and Tolson.... If Angleton was running Oswald, which Simpich makes a very good case for, it would be in Hoover's best interest to go along with the cover-up....
So the question becomes - WHEN does HARVEY go from an Angleton/CIA/CI long range plan to THE patsy in Dallas... and do we honestly believe that it was Angleton who would expose himself in this way - or was it ONI/INS/DIA and the higher level facilitators insuring even greater insulation by using this person and his importance, as well as liability to Angleton...?
One of the greatest disconnects related to H&L is the assumption that this was the plan all along... it was not of course...
which brings us once again around to - so WHEN does he become the operational patsy?
If he was a true liability - do we honestly believe he would not have been taken care of - given the circles he was involved? or do we see that his infultrations and work with Bannister and Shaw was serving dual purpose...
Informational as well as his oversight... "They" were watching HARVEY all the time and most definitely was receiving some level of intel from him for his $200/month. He was "their" asset... and would be used as needed.
Just ask Harry Dean or Nagell.
So how is H&L a game changer?
In the biggest sense of the word, I will agree with you Lauren.. yet isn't that question the same as, "What would global acknowledgement of the Bethesda alterations do to the 'game' "? Or the viewing of the OTHER Zfilm along with the NPIC revelations from that weekend...
Doesn't change the Sponsors or even the Facilitators we've come to know, I agree there too.... yet as H&L is understood and accepted - we have to acknowledge that HARVEY OSWALD was, in 1952, a planted communist, grown in the USA and working ultimately as a low level FBI informant for ??? KGB? CIA? ONI? both? All? and how that dovetails into Marina's (false) history covering a KGB operation to place "friendlies" in the US under deep cover.
One can look at the USSR episode as an arranged trip to get Marina into the USA, given who she meets (Both American Defectors), how fast they are married, and how, after telling Robert in an early letter that he would NEVER come back to the US... Nov 26, 1959 http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc..._0420a.htm and is the LAST LETTER FROM OSWALD until Jan 30, 1961
There is SOMETHING in there Lauren... something big enough that Hoover appears very determined to have it stay hidden via the wholesale alteration and destruction of records... and remains hidden and unacknowledged to this day...
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter