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Robert Fisk on the middle east wars
Does all Israel bashing come with slaps on the back of one Mr Fisk by you David?

Do we not either live in a state of "perpetual peace" or that of "perpetual war"... and that the state of war the sovereign nations of the world find themselves existing within REQUIRES they play by the rules of war and not peace?

I would challenge you, both of you, to see WAR as not the racket but the depletion of inventory which in turn requires restocking...

Is it not the preparation for war that is the most profitable?
The loaning of money for the build-up and ultimate restocking of the war machine, that produces the most profit...

That the WAR itself part acts on many fronts to shift the borders and command and control structures?

I am truly aghast at this thread. Mr Fisk's obvious alignment against allowing Israel to defend itself, or exist at all... without a word about the history of anti-Israel, arabian politics and aggression... as if it's justifiable because it's Israel and Jews.

David G... I will now take the time to look thru the rest of the forum's posts in regards to Israel so I may get a better sense of the key poster's POVs... Reading that article and the comments that followed made me ill...

From my talks with so many others on these forums, the respect for you is well deserved... do you condone "anti-Israel"... or is this only a part of a much bigger Evica-Drago model discussion?

Quote:Israel has the entire region by a stranglehold, like a snake squeezing it's prey. Lebanon is stagnated and held in a noose. Syria in chaos with the "Rebelz" and Egypt also, in turmoil. Hezbollah are the strongest and most organised group in the region, but even they have their limits, the rest is up to Iran to counter Israel's power and influence in the region.

The more noise Israel makes in the media about Iran = The more powerful Iran is growing.

A very simple and truthful equation.

Israel does not want the day to come where they can't bomb Syria, Lebanon, or even the Sinai unscrupulously.

Mr Jarman

8 million Israelis surrounded by 370 million whose majority would deny their right to even exist.

water desalination technology that has created surplus and exportation to the benefit of millions... which I gather you'd spin into some criminal enterprise of control and power...

Syria has NEVER accepted Israel as a state other than to focus on its destruction... when Israel kicked if a$$ - 3 times now - Israel was forced into a "land for peace" position to give back to an enemy that would see them wiped off the planet, land they lost as a result of their own hostilities....

Prior to the 1967 Six Day War, intermittent hostilities centered on the Demilitarized Zones, water issues and shelling and infiltration from the Golan Heights. Since the war, the focus of negotiations has been "land for peace," in particular a demand that Israel return the Golan Heights to Syria along with Syrian recognition of Israel and establishment of peaceful relations with it, as stipulated in UN Security Council Resolution 242. And yet, in the US-brokered Syrian-Israeli talks during the 1990s, Syria demanded that Israeli future withdrawal would be to the "June 4, 1967 Lines", namely west of the former British Mandate border with Syria.[SUP][1][/SUP] Syria attempted to recover the Golan Heights in the Yom Kippur War, but was unsuccessful, only recovering a small part of it in the 1974 disengagement agreement, while committing to distance its armed forces further eastwards compared with their 1967-1973 positions.

I do not hold Israel faultless... as we have learned, the principle defining aspect of a sovereign state is the ability to wage war or defend itself against such waging.

ALL the sovereign states are culpable... ALL are guilty...

Reading this appears to me as if to say we would hold the US/UK at fault for the defense of itself and the push back of Germany... Because Syria and its allies simply did not like the decision of the UNGA, they declared an never-ending war on Israel... for you or anyone to blame that on Israel is absurd and imo, shows an extremely biased understanding of history

On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly recommended the adoption and implementation of the partition plan of Mandatory Palestine. On 14 May 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization[SUP][9][/SUP] and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel," a state independent upon the termination of the British Mandate for Palestine, 15 May 1948.[SUP] [/SUP]Neighboring Arab armies invaded Palestine on the next day and fought the Israeli forces
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

Messages In This Thread
Robert Fisk on the middle east wars - by David Josephs - 04-03-2014, 11:33 PM

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