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Dianne Feinstein launches scathing attack on CIA over torture cover up
Feinstein has always been a strong supporter of the NSA and surveillance as well as covert operations by the intelligence agencies, generally. She well may be the point-person on the Committee for the NSA [with others the point person for CIA, etc.]...we simply don't know at this point. I can't remember her ever being upset at CIA's other activities - many of which she must know are heinous, illegal and unconstitutional. Something is happening beneath the surface we are not privy to...yet, I think. Perhaps she really is upset about CIA torture or CIA attempts to cover it up by [it seems] taking documents out of the Committee's computers [which, if I understand correctly, are provided by the CIA itself] - and thus compromising their ability to report on the activities. And perhaps not, really...other than that they pulled a dirty trick on her [dirty tricks on the rest of the Planet being just fine]. Perhaps this is about turf wars or more likely about something we don't know about and don't have the clearances to even hear about. Sadly, a committee to monitor the Intelligence Subcommittee would be needed - but I'm not suggesting we have a dysfunctional Congress and Government and adding another layer of clowns, puppets, and apologists for the broken system is doomed to failure. The Intelligence Agencies individually and collectively have long been out of control and semi-autonomous. They certainly don't represent the will [or interests] of the People. I've always seen them as the spies and 'muscle' for the elites - the armies for the Ruling Class against all others - internal or external. In some as yet undefined way we are seeing part of an internecine war; somehow, I don't think the outcome will be to the benefit of the American or World Public. If Feinstein is really going to take on the CIA, she had best hire some very good bodyguards and make sure her will is in order. The bottom line is that she, and others on the Committee, still support the National Security State we have long had, and in its growth [which is very fast now]. When they are willing to reverse that, I'll start to pay them some kudos. The subtext is that this is the first or worst 'bad' thing CIA has far from the truth as to be laughable. Where are the reports [or outrage on withheld documents/disappeared documents/lies] on CIA's [and other intelligence agencies] complicity or incompetence in 9-11, Dallas, Iran-Contra, Nugan-Hand, BCCI, various and sundry assassinations and government overthrows, dirty tricks up the yazoo, black ops galore - and all before, in between, and after these few mentioned?! In some as yet unclear way this is theater and very bad theater, at that. Bottom line - this Committee has never really provided any 'oversight' of the intelligence community ['overlooking' their crimes and misdeeds/lies and protecting them/securing their funding and growth is perhaps closer to the truth]. I don't see this as the first attempt to correct that. It is, of course, interesting....but i fear, sadly, not going to provide any major or minor changes in the way things are done.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Messages In This Thread
Dianne Feinstein launches scathing attack on CIA over torture cover up - by Peter Lemkin - 13-03-2014, 07:07 AM

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