18-03-2014, 11:58 PM
Greg R Parker Wrote:David,
I assume any detailed discussion is going to go into minutia at some stage. I'd just like to know the difference between "going into minute details" (that is being "detailed"), "minutia" and "false minutia". If you could provide an example of what you specifically refer to as "detailed" and what defines "minutia" as opposed to "false minutia", that'd be great.
Thanks. Once I have your definitions down pat, I have a starting point for discussion.
Sorry Greg, but I had truly not given the subject of definitional minutia that much thought....
Why not just start your attempts to discredit the work using the same unsigned FBI documents as you did last time... and see where it takes you?
You remember all those FBI interview reports on his BJHS classmates where each was asked about the 54-55 school year and none about 53-54... and each report was a cookie cutter of the last with only the name of the person changed...
Better yet... Let's talk about Allen Felde and how his memory of Oswald in CE1962 which does not match the one offered by the military - CE1961.
Or the fact that MACS-9 / MCAF in Santa Anna where Henry Roussell Jr served with HARVEY is not the same as the base down the road El Toro where LEE and Allen Graf served in MAG-3, where a Major Gorsky was the Asst Provo Marshall who tells us that LEE was discharged from the El Toro base in March 1959.
I look forward to you addressing this as well.
(Note: Please take the time to familiarize yourself with some of the newer thought on this... Since our last discussion I've spent a lot of time digging deeper... Some of the conclusions in H&L have indeed needed to be revised and updated, just as Horne updated Lifton's work as well as his exposing the NPIC Zfilm charade... time and knowledge marches on as layer after layer of the onion gets peeled back)
Good to hear from you again.
John discovered:
NOTE: The Commission failed to ask Delgado how he and Oswald's friendship, which took several weeks to develop, and their discussions about Castro and Cuba, which continued for several weeks, could have taken place "before Christmas. " These discussions took place during the time that Oswald bunked with Mack Osborne, Neil Dennis Tessem, Henry Roussel, Robert Allen, and Paul Hickey and occurred before he moved into Delgado's hut, #34. Once again, the Commission ignored these troublesome witnesses, who were with Harvey Oswald, from October thru December, while Lee Oswald was still in Japan. They relied on Marine Corps records which reported that (Lee) Oswald arrived at El Toro on December 22, but apparently never realized that El Toro ( MCAS) and Santa Ana (MCAF-MACS 9) were two very different installations.
March 1959
Henry Roussell, Jr. served with Harvey Oswald for 3 or 4 months in MACS 9 at Santa Ana (MACS 9) and was one of six Marines who shared a Quonset hut with him in 1958 (while Lee Oswald was still in Japan). His Aunt tells of how HARVEY speaks Russian VERY WELL
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter